Mayo Clinic Minute: The ABCs of Avoiding Ticks

It's time to start preparing for what could be a bumper crop of ticks across the United States.

Bobbi Pritt, M.D., a Mayo Clinic parasitic diseases expert, says, as the last of the winter's snow melts, ticks start coming up from under the grass looking for a "blood meal." She says that this year, after a relatively mild winter, ticks got an early start. This means that tick season could be particularly busy.

In this "Mayo Clinic Minute," Dr. Pritt explains an easy trick to remember the best ways to protect yourself from tick bites. Ian Roth reports on the "ABCs of Ticks":

Mayo Clinic News Network

This post was written and originally published by the Mayo Clinic News Network. To see the latest news from Mayo Clinic, go to The editor of the News Network site is Dana Sparks.