COVID-19 Daily News: May 1

Mayo Clinic Q&A Podcast: Maintaining Routine Vaccine Schedules During COVID-19

On the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Tina Ardon, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, discusses the importance of childhood vaccinations. Dr. Ardon also discusses masking guidelines for children during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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How Can you Calm your Mind?

Dr. Amit Sood is a former internal medicine physician at Mayo Clinic. He was director of research in the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and was chair of the Mind-Body Medicine Initiative at Mayo Clinic.

He also contributed to the weekly "Something to Think About" posts on the Mayo Clinic News Network. Dr. Sood has graciously offered to share his reflections and encouraging thoughts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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‘Mayo Clinic Anxiety Coach’ e-tool to Help Children with Mental Health Concerns

Anxiety disorders affect up to 20% of children, and according to recent Mayo Clinic research, there are several effective treatment options. The COVID-19 pandemic can intensify these and other mental health conditions. But as most of the U.S. continues social distancing, access to mental health care is limited.

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Mayo Clinic Expert Discusses Potential Neurological Effects of COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can take a severe toll on the respiratory system. However, recent research suggests that the virus may also infect the nervous system. A study of patients with COVID-19 out of Wuhan, China found that possible neurological signs and symptoms caused by COVID-19 can include loss of taste and smell, headache, impaired consciousness, and stroke.

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Samantha Rossi

Samantha Rossi is a Digital Marketing Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She supports marketing strategies for product management and specialty testing. Samantha has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2019.