COVID-19 Daily News: May 8

Mayo Clinic Q&A Podcast: How to Clean During COVID-19

Spring has sprung, and, for many, spring cleaning is a ritual. During the COVID-19 pandemic, cleaning and disinfecting homes is more important than ever. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new cleaning guidelines to help effectively fight COVID-19 as businesses, schools and public spaces reopen.

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Mayo Clinic Expands In-Person Care On All Campuses

"Our patients' health and safety is always our top priority," says Amy Williams, M.D., Mayo Clinic Executive Dean for Practice. "We have taken several extra precautions to safely offer in-person care." 

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Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of COVID-19 on Caregivers, those with Neurological Disorders

Dear Mayo Clinic: My mother, who has dementia, lives with my husband and me, as well as our two children. As COVID-19 has continued, I am now working at home and juggling her care, as well as schooling my children. I'm overwhelmed and getting migraines more than usual. My mom seems more angry than usual and expresses resentment about us not allowing her to visit with her other grandchildren. Any advice to help her and also to reduce my stress level?

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Four Tips for Maximizing Virtual Health Care Visits

During the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing recommendations have necessitated a change to the way health care is being delivered. Telehealth appointments – particularly video visits – are allowing providers see their patients when coming into the clinic isn't an option.

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Samantha Rossi

Samantha Rossi is a Digital Marketing Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She supports marketing strategies for product management and specialty testing. Samantha has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2019.