COVID-19 Weekly News: July 20-26 2020

COVID-19 and high blood pressure: Am I at risk?

I have high blood pressure. What should I do to lower my risk of getting seriously ill with COVID-19?

Answer: High blood pressure is a serious condition. Left untreated, it can lead to many other health issues. Health risks linked to high blood pressure include heart diseasestroke and dementia.

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Pooling and Precautions: Dr. Bill Morice

William Morice, II, M.D., Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic and President of Mayo Clinic Laboratories, joins the Answers from the Lab podcast for his weekly leadership update. On this episode, Dr. Morice explains the test pooling method and the benefits of precautionary measures.


Radiology technologists use slow times to train to help with department’s AI projects

"We are fortunate to have staff who are eager to learn new skills and take on new challenges," says Matthew Callstrom, M.D., Ph.D., chair of the Department of Radiology in Rochester. "The current situation has allowed us to move these projects forward."

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Mayo Clinic Q and A: Road trips, camping can lower COVID-19 exposure risks and, perhaps, worries

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My partner and I want to take our kids on a camping/road trip, figuring that driving ourselves and staying in a tent lower our risk of contracting COVID-19 than other types of trips. We're planning to go out of state, but are wondering: What all should we be considering as we start to finalize our plans?

ANSWER: I think when you compare the risks of different modes of travel a car trip would definitely be lower risk than something like air travel or train travel. I think there are a few important precautions that should be taken.

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COVID-19: Is male pattern baldness a risk factor for more serious illness?

Are bald men more likely to suffer severe COVID-19 symptoms? Researchers are looking into the possible link after preliminary observations of high frequency of male pattern baldness among patients admitted to the hospital for COVID-19. Dr. Gregory Poland, a Mayo Clinic COVID-19 expert, says two very small studies suggest that androgens, which are male sex hormones associated with male pattern hair loss, could be the explanation.

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Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: COVID-19 update with Dr. Greg Poland

Dr. Poland gives an update on progress towards a vaccine for COVID-19, discusses therapies for treating the virus and shares research on how effective face masks and physical distancing are in fighting the spread of the disease.

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Translating COVID-19 facts for diverse community members

“In our communities, many immigrants have been directly impacted by COVID-19 due to a variety of factors,” says Robert Bonacci, M.D., Primary Care Lead for Mayo Clinic Health System Albert Lea and Austin. “Translating our information into various languages and using icons to convey information helps ensure all members of our community understand how they can get the care they need.”

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Samantha Rossi

Samantha Rossi is a Digital Marketing Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She supports marketing strategies for product management and specialty testing. Samantha has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2019.