Microsoft outage causing shipping disruptions

Operational Update

Updated July 20, 2024

Mayo Clinic Laboratories continues to monitor the airline delays that were caused by the global computer outage. Flight operations are resuming, and we are actively monitoring shipments and making carrier adjustments where needed.

At this time, we recommend resuming normal shipments to Mayo Clinic Laboratories. All courier routes will continue to operate on their regular schedule. There is potential for some airline delays to continue, so a Mayo Clinic Laboratories representative will contact you if your shipments are impacted. Please note there is potential for extended turnaround times.

For any immediate needs, please contact Customer Service at 800-533-1710 and ask to be forwarded to the Global Logistics specialist.

Updated July 19, 2024

Mayo Clinic Laboratories is aware of the Microsoft outage that is impacting domestic and international shipments. We are actively monitoring the situation and making carrier adjustments as needed.

We are recommending the following for clients:

  • Consider holding specimens as needed to ensure stability, especially irretrievable specimens.
  • Consider using additional boxes for frozen and refrigerate shipments to allow room for additional dry ice and cool packs in the boxes.

For any immediate needs, please contact Customer Service at 800-533-1710 and ask to be forwarded to the Global Logistics specialist.

Mayo Clinic Laboratories

This post was authored by the Marketing Team at Mayo Clinic Laboratories.