Novel Laboratory Tests Transform Lupus Management: Bill Morice, M.D., Ph.D.

Answers From the Lab

In this episode of “Answers From the Lab,” William Morice II, M.D., Ph.D., CEO and president of Mayo Clinic Laboratories, is joined by special guests Bernard Rubin, D.O., MPH, chief medical officer of Progentec Diagnostics, and Melissa Munroe, M.D., Ph.D., chief scientific officer and principal investigator of Progentec Diagnostics. They discuss Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ suite of innovative lupus testing, offered in collaboration with Progentec Diagnostics, for patients affected by systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Their discussion includes:

  • The Progentec aiSLE® DX Lupus Flare Risk Index that uses an algorithm to calculate a flare risk index, which assigns a score based on a patient's risk of a forthcoming lupus flare.
  • The Progentec aiSLE® DX Lupus Disease Activity Index that characterizes a patient’s current disease activity into low, moderate, or active states.
  • How these two tests were developed and for whom they are recommended.
  • Why these tests are a significant development and how they enhance the quality of life for patients living with SLE.
  • To hear more about these tests, tune into the Answers From the Lab episode, “Advancing Lupus Treatment With Modern Diagnostics.

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Answers from the Lab is a Mayo Clinic Laboratories curated podcast sharing knowledge and advancements regarding the state of testing, laboratory science, and the people who make it all happen behind the scenes. 

Information in this post was accurate at the time of its posting.

Luci Gens

Luci Gens is a marketing manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She joined Mayo Clinic in 2022 and has over ten years of experience in hospital-based marketing and communications.