The Science of Diagnosing Rare Platelet Disorders: Dong Chen, M.D., Ph.D.

Answers from the Lab

In this episode of “Answers From the Lab,” host Bobbi Pritt, M.D., chair of the Division of Clinical Microbiology at Mayo Clinic, is joined by Dong Chen, M.D., Ph.D., chair of the Division of Hematopathology in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic. They discuss rare and inherited platelet disorders and esoteric laboratory testing of hematologic disorders.

Specific topics of discussion include:

  • How these rare disorders are diagnosed through laboratory tests.
  • Why platelet transmission electron microscopy is considered the gold standard for diagnosing disorders like Hermansky Pudlak syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, Chediak Higashi syndrome, and Jacobson/Paris-Trousseau syndrome.
  • The process involved with developing and validating the PTEM test (Mayo ID: PTEM) at Mayo Clinic.
  • The importance of ongoing research and advocacy to enhance care for patients with rare platelet disorders.

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Answers from the Lab is a Mayo Clinic Laboratories curated podcast sharing knowledge and advancements regarding the state of testing, laboratory science, and the people who make it all happen behind the scenes. 

Information in this post was accurate at the time of its posting.

Luci Gens

Luci Gens is a marketing manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She joined Mayo Clinic in 2022 and has over ten years of experience in hospital-based marketing and communications.