Unlike patients with polygenic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), most patients with monogenic IBD show symptoms before age 6. Because monogenic and polygenic IBD can have indistinguishable endoscopic or histologic features, establishing accurate diagnosis via traditional methods remains a challenge.1
Monogenic IBD Test menu
Genetic testing can identify patients with monogenic IBD and primary immunodeficiencies that present with IBD-like features. Isolating the genetic cause of the illness enables clinicians to choose treatment options that enhance outcomes. Our comprehensive monogenic IBD panel detects variants in 107 genes with established associations to monogenic IBD and primary immunodeficiencies that present with IBD-like features but do not respond to standard IBD treatments. This includes testing for genes associated with rare diseases, such as Mediterranean Fever, with increased prevalence in certain ancestral groups.
Key testing
Ann Moyer, M.D., Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' test panel provides comprehensive evaluation of patients with suspected monogenic early onset inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD. Accurate diagnosis is key to guiding therapy for patients, who might be as young as 2 years of age.
Identification of early-onset IBD patients may enable tailored treatment and surveillance plans. With over 50 genes implicated in early-onset IBD, genetic testing should be included in the workup of children under the age of six with IBD. Join Mayo Clinic, in this “Specialty Testing” webinar, for a discussion of this testing and its clinical application.