A heart full of gratitude: Meckenzie Tinaglia

Patient Spotlight

In early April 2021, Meckenzie Tinaglia found herself in the emergency room for the third day in a row after experiencing terrifying seizure-like events. Told that the episodes were likely neurologic in nature, Meckenzie had a feeling her heart may be the culprit instead. She had experienced an irregular heartbeat for about 10 years, and just one month earlier had undergone an ablation procedure to address that condition.

Meckenzie and her husband Dan decided to pursue a second opinion at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. A cardiac specialist informed them that Meckenzie could be remotely monitored through Mayo Clinic Cardiac Monitoring using a cellular device called the MoMe Kardia monitor. Meckenzie quickly obtained the device, and that evening while asleep and being remotely monitored, the heart-seizing event happened again.

Dan and Meckenzie Tinaglia with their daughter.

The MoMe Kardia data showed Meckenzie’s local care team that she had been experiencing ventricular fibrillation, the most frequent cause of sudden cardiac death.

“If I had not been wearing the monitor the doctors would not have known I was going into a fatal rhythm and needed immediate medical attention,” Meckenzie says. “It was the data collected on the MoMe that opened their eyes and saw how serious my condition was. It is what got me a helicopter ride to Rochester and part of the reason I am here today. I am so very thankful for modern medicine.” 

Read the full story about how Mayo Clinic’s Cardiovascular Services team intervened to provide lifesaving care for Meckenzie.

Luci Gens

Luci Gens is a marketing manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She joined Mayo Clinic in 2022 and has over ten years of experience in hospital-based marketing and communications.