Top highlights include: tips for people with neurologic issues, CDC recommends wearing cloth masks in public, and answers to questions about exercising.

By Samantha Rossi • April 7, 2020

Top highlights include: convalescent plasma therapy, mask recommendations, and the importance of following COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions.

By Samantha Rossi • April 6, 2020

Top highlights include: the importance of antibody testing in addressing COVID-19 and navigating the new world of COVID-19 with virtual appointments.

By Samantha Rossi • April 4, 2020

Top highlights include: do's and don'ts of social distancing, Mayo Clinic named national site for convalescent plasma expanded access program, and a test to identify those who have recovered from COVID-19.

By Samantha Rossi • April 3, 2020

Top highlights include: autonomous shuttles, what soap does to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and what you need to know about spring allergies.

By Samantha Rossi • April 2, 2020

Top highlights include: The tale of 1 virus and 2 testing methods, Mayo Clinic is working towards a vaccine, and COVID-19 food safety.

By Samantha Rossi • April 1, 2020

Top highlights include: Mayo Clinic in Florida expands specimen testing, Mayo Clinic research, and a show of lights in support for those on the front lines of COVID-19.

By Samantha Rossi • March 31, 2020

Top highlights include: tips for working from home, how the virus is making people sick, and how the virus that causes COVID-19 differs from other coronaviruses.

By Samantha Rossi • March 30, 2020

Top highlights include: Dr. Gianrico Farrugia shares his perspective on next steps to address the COVID-19 pandemic and tips to reduce migraines during stressful situations.

By Samantha Rossi • March 29, 2020

Featuring the science behind the test for the COVID-19 virus.

By Samantha Rossi • March 28, 2020

Top highlights include: how video appointments are changing the way Mayo Clinic patients receive care, helping kids cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the unsung heroes on the front lines.

By Samantha Rossi • March 27, 2020

Top highlights include: Mayo Clinic expert answers questions on restrictions and supportive care measures for patients with COVID-19.

By Samantha Rossi • March 26, 2020

Top highlights include: keeping seniors safe, Mayo Clinic supports state emergency orders, and tips for patents and caregivers with children at home.

By Samantha Rossi • March 25, 2020