
Robert Jenkins, M.D., Ph.D., Consultant in the Division of Laboratory Genetics and Genomics at Mayo Clinic, and other Mayo researchers were highlighted in a recently published video to discuss how the molecular makeup of brain tumors can be used to identify five categories of gliomas, each with different clinical features and outcomes.

By April Josselyn • March 28, 2017

Andy Cousin, FACHE, Director of Product Management and Marketing for Mayo Medical Laboratories, is attending this year's ACHE Congress on Health Care Leadership conference in Chicago. He will be sharing his thoughts and photos from the conference. Follow along his live blog.

By Andy Cousin • March 27, 2017

A recent article in MedicalLab Management, authored by Mayo Clinic staff, discusses how to sustain reduced blood-culture contamination in clinical laboratories.

By Kelley Luedke • March 27, 2017

This week’s Research Roundup highlights pathogenic implications of distinct patterns of iron and zinc in chronic multiple sclerosis lesions.

By Kelley Luedke • March 27, 2017

Leadership from the Mayo Clinic Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (DLMP) Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Residency Program are pleased to announce the selection of Justin Juskewitch, M.D., Ph.D., and Kabeer Shah, D.O., as Chief Residents for the Anatomic/Clinical Pathology Residency Program for the academic year 2017–18.

By April Josselyn • March 24, 2017

Robin Patel, M.D., Chair of the Division of Clinical Microbiology and a Consultant in the Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Laboratories at Mayo Clinic, has been elected to serve a two-year term on the American Society for Microbiology Board of Directors.

By April Josselyn • March 23, 2017

Jeff Meeusen, Ph.D., a clinical chemist and Co-Director of Cardiovascular Laboratory Medicine at Mayo Clinic, discussed Mayo Clinic's new blood test that helps combat the leading cause of death in the U.S. on Voice of America.

By Kelley Luedke • March 22, 2017

This week’s Research Roundup highlights how AKT-phosphorylated FOXO1 suppresses ERK activation and chemoresistance by disrupting IQGAP1-MAPK interaction.

By Kelley Luedke • March 20, 2017

Nancy Wengenack, Ph.D., Director of the Mycology and Mycobacteriology Laboratories and Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology in the Division of Clinical Microbiology at Mayo Clinic, has been elected to a Fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology.

By Kelley Luedke • March 17, 2017

Kate McKeown, a student in Mayo Clinic’s Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) class of 2017, spotlights her experience in Mayo Clinic's Central Clinical Laboratory during MLS clinical rotations.

By Kate McKeown • March 16, 2017

A new type of blood test may help physicians identify which patients with and without evidence of coronary blockages are at risk for heart attacks and strokes. Even individuals with normal levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), known as the so-called “bad” cholesterol, but still at risk, seem to be identified.

By Mayo Clinic News Network • March 14, 2017

This week’s Research Roundup highlights the clinical and pathological evolution of giant cell arteritis with a prospective study of follow-up temporal artery biopsies in 40 treated patients.

By Kelley Luedke • March 13, 2017

Benjamin Tetlie, a Financial Representative for Mayo Clinic Global Business Solutions, used to have a strong aversion to the idea of donating blood. However, when his coworkers organized a Blood Donor Unit Challenge, he wanted to participate.

By Alyssa Frank • March 10, 2017