Mom Knows Best When It Comes to Inspiring Blood Donation

For Doug Bodde, a Laboratory Service and Partner Development Manager in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (DLMP) in Rochester, blood donation has been a part of his life since he was young.

“My mother was an Army nurse during the Vietnam War,” says Bodde. “She instilled in me the importance of blood donation and the medical urgency for people requiring blood and blood products. She is the reason why I am a dedicated donor to this day.”

Bodde is an ideal candidate for blood donation. He is what is considered a “universal donor” (type O negative), meaning, his blood may be used in emergency situations where an exact blood-type match isn’t known or available. And while O-negative donors are in high demand, the American Red Cross estimates that less than 7% of the U.S. population has type O-negative blood.

Mayo Makes Donating Easy

Bodde has been a regular blood donor for many years prior to working at Mayo Clinic, but he admits that he donates far more often now due to the convenience.

“It’s easy to drop by the Hilton Building and donate blood when I become eligible,” he says. “Whenever the Blood Donor Program staff call me, I just schedule an appointment that’s convenient for me. I know that our patients need blood, and I’m happy to do whatever I can to help.”

Blood-Management Program

In addition to his mother’s influence, Bodde also indicates his work is another reason why he is such a dedicated donor.

“I’ve enjoyed learning about Mayo’s patient blood-management program through a new service line being launched by DLMP and the Department of Anesthesiology. Mayo will share its expertise in blood-product utilization with partner health care organizations around the world. As a donor, it’s reassuring to know that Mayo takes this so seriously and has built such a successful program. It truly reiterates the fact that donating blood to help save others’ lives is a vital part of every community.”

How to Donate
For more information about donating blood in Olmsted County in Rochester, Minnesota, call (507) 284-4475 or email For more information about the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center, visit the Blood Donor Center blog, the Blood Donor Center website, and/or like the center on Facebook.

Alyssa Frank

Alyssa Frank is a Marketing Segment Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She leads marketing strategies for product management and specialty testing. Alyssa has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2015.