Saying Goodbye to the MLS Program

It’s hard to believe that we have finished the Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) Program. Over the past 10 1/2 months, we have gained a vast understanding of medical lab science through our didactic courses and clinical laboratory rotations. Our class of 24 students formed a bond that was more like family, to which many of us credit our successes.

The ending is bittersweet as I’ll miss spending every day with my friends in class, but we have exciting futures to look forward to.

The majority of our class has accepted job offers in various clinical laboratories at Mayo Clinic, leaving the ASCP Medical Laboratory Science board of examination as the final obstacle standing between us and post-grad life.

As for me, I have accepted a job in the Cell Kinetics Laboratory in the Hematopathology Division at Mayo, beginning in June. Studying for the board exam has been a little overwhelming, so I’m getting anxious to take it and start my new job.

I’m very thankful for the opportunity to have completed the MLS program at Mayo Clinic, and I would like to thank our Program Director Sue Lehman, along with the rest of our instructors, for everything that they have done for us. They are great educators and leaders, and they have helped make the program an enjoyable experience.

Ali Addesso

Ali Addesso is a Medical Laboratory Science student of the Mayo School of Health Sciences (MSHS). She plans to graduate from MSHS as well as the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse in May 2017 with a B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Science. When Ali isn’t studying, she enjoys exercising, spending time with friends, and traveling with her family.