William Morice, II, M.D., Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and President of Mayo Medical Laboratories, has been selected as a keynote speaker this year's Executive War College, being held May 1–3 in New Orleans. His presentation occurs Wednesday morning and is entitled, “How Pharma Money and Private Equity Investors Are Poised to Use the Coming Generation of Genetic Testing and Clinical Diagnostics to Reshape the Lab Test Marketplace.”
Executive What?
While the name may throw you, the Executive War College (EWC) is the nation’s largest gathering on laboratory management and operations. The annual conference brings together physicians, scientists, laboratorians, and health care executives to discuss various issues, trends, and market forces affecting the lab. Robert Michel, editor-in-chief of The Dark Report and Dark Daily, who hosts the event says, “The EWC name distinguishes itself from scientific meetings and appeals to our target audience—lab professionals who want to change their labs for the better and meet other change agents in this industry.”
Other Mayo Clinic Speakers
Also presenting at EWC are Anatomic Pathology Division Chair Amy Clayton, M.D., and Senior Principal Health Systems Engineer Muna Khan with their presentation, “Using the Strategic Planning Process to Advance Key Initiatives within Your Lab on Budget and Ahead of Schedule.” Also, Manager of Outreach and Network Support Programs Jane Hermansen (a favorite speaker at EWC) will present, “It’s Still Possible to Thrive and Prosper in Ever-Tougher Times: Lessons from How the Nation’s Best-Performing Hospital Outreach Labs Are Responding to Medicare Fee Cuts, Narrow Networks, and Tougher Competition.”