Experience Mayo Clinic’s Laboratories at AACC 2018
AACC 2018
Chicago, IL
July 29–August 2, 2018
Explore the world of laboratory medicine at Mayo Clinic. Immerse yourself in this fun journey from specimen collection to diagnosis, where patient samples from all over the world are viewed by Mayo physicians, scientists, and laboratory staff before they make their way back to the patients and their health care providers—with answers.

Mayo Clinic’s 10-Gene-Focused Pharmacogenomics Panel, The RIGHT 10K Study, and New Tools for Understanding Pharmacogenomics Associations
Ann Moyer, M.D., Ph.D.
Senior Associate Consultant, Pharmacology, Mayo Clinic
Tuesday, July 31, 11a.m.–Noon
Q&A: Using Clinical Laboratory Tests to Monitor Drug Therapy in Pain-Management Patients
Paul Jannetto, Ph.D.
Director, Clincal and Forensic Toxicology Laboratory, Mayo Clinic
Tuesday, July 31, 2:30p.m.–4 p.m.
Mayo Clinic experts will share their laboratory knowledge through "brown bag" and scientific sessions, as well as poster presentations. View a full list of presentations and sessions with at least one Mayo Clinic faculty member for your reference:
Sunday, July 29
8:30–11:30 a.m.
191004 Protein Electrophoresis Interpretation and Reporting Workshop—Part I
Maria Alice Willrich, Ph.D.; Christopher McCudden; Ronald Booth, Ph.D.
12:30-3:30 p.m.
192010 Using CLSI Guidelines to Meet Quality Requirements Established by FDA, CLIA, and ISO throughout the Laboratory Test Life Cycle: A Panel Presentation
Paula Ladwig, MT(ASCP); Lucia Berte; Marcia Zucker, Ph.D.
12:30-3:30 p.m.
192011 Protein Electrophoresis Interpretation and Reporting Workshop—Part II
Christopher McCudden; David Keren, M.D.; Ronald Booth, Ph.D.; Maria Alice Willrich, Ph.D.
Monday, July 30
10:30 a.m.–Noon
32101 Implementing a High(er) Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assay: Lessons Learned from One Institution about Analytical Validation and Clinical Protocol
Brad Karon, M.D., Ph.D.; Allan Jaffe, M.D.
Tuesday, July 31
7:30-8:30 a.m.: Brown Bag
43106 Emergency Department Workflows: Data-driven Approaches to Common Questions
Christine Snozek, Ph.D.
7:30-8:30 a.m.: Brown Bag
43124 Setting and Evaluating Quality Metrics
Joshua Bornhorst, Ph.D.
10:30 a.m.–Noon
33103 Gaps in Knowledge and Controversies Surrounding Thyroglobulin Measurement and Interpretation
Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich, Ph.D.; Joely Straseski, Ph.D.
10:30 a.m.–Noon
33107 Clinical Assay Issues: What Endocrinologists Will Ask You
Mark Gurnell, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.; Nikola Baumann, Ph.D.; David Sacks, M.B., Ch.B.
10:30 a.m.–Noon
33109 Invited Oral Abstracts: Mass Spectrometry
Kornelia Galior, Ph.D.
10:30 a.m.–Noon
33106 Surviving the Regulatory and Accreditation Landscape: The "Must-Know" Secrets for Success!
Brad Karon, M.D., Ph.D.; Heather Signorelli, D.O.
2:30–5 p.m.
33223 Capillary Samples and Best Practices for Blood Glucose Monitoring in Critical Care and Hospitalized Patients: A Report on the IFCC POCT-Task Force Work Group, Recent FDA Activities, and CLSI PO
Cynthia Bowman, M.D.; James Nichols, Ph.D.; Brad Karon, M.D., Ph.D.; Dieter Mesotten, M.D., Ph.D.
Wednesday, August 1
7:30–8:30 a.m.: Brown Bag
44114 Controversies and Solutions in Body Fluid Testing
Darci Block, Ph.D.
7:30–8:30 a.m.: Brown Bag
44101 Strategies for Collaboration with Departments Outside of the Laboratory to Achieve Quality Improvements and Enhance Patient Outcomes
Vickie Trace
10:30 a.m.–Noon
34103 Mass Spectrometry Applications for Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutics: Which Road to Travel
Maria Alice Willrich, Ph.D..; Paula Ladwig, MT(ASCP)
10:30 a.m.–Noon
34104 Are Your Lab Tests Viable under PAMA Medicare Reimbursements?
Michael Baisch, Matthew Clark
10:30 a.m.–Noon
34120 Precision Medicine: From Novel Biomarkers to Blockbuster Drugs
Surendra Dasari
2:30–4 p.m.
34215 Invited Oral Abstracts: Clinical Significance of Discrepant ELISA and IFA Results for Anti-PLA2R Antibody Testing
Callen Giesen, Ph.D.
2:30–5 p.m.
34214 Protein Electrophoresis Reporting: Multinational Recommendations and Perspectives on Standardization
Ronald Booth, Ph.D.; Joannes Jacobs, M.D., Ph.D.; Maria Alice Willrich, Ph.D.; David Keren, M.D..; Chris McCudden, Ph.D.
2:30–5 p.m.
34218 Real Global News: It's Time to Embrace High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays with Cost Benefit Strategies for Early Rule-Out and Rule-In of Myocardial Infarction and Injury
Fred Apple, Ph.D.; Richard Body, Ph.D.; Allan Jaffe, M.D.
Thursday, August 2
10:30 a.m.–Noon
35102 Clinical Applications of Established and Emerging Multi-Analyte Testing Approaches
Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich, Ph.D.; Jessica Colon-Franco, Ph.D.; Alison Woodworth, Ph.D.
10:30 a.m.–Noon
35105 ICP-MS: Essentials and Interactive Case Studies on Elemental Testing in Clinical Laboratories
Sarina Yang, Ph.D.; Paul Jannetto, Ph.D.
10:30 a.m.–Noon
35106 Towards Improving Parathyroid Hormone Measurements and Management of the Chronic Kidney Disease–Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD)
Kevin Martin, M.D., M.B., B.Ch., FASN; Ravinder Singh, Ph.D.; Catharine Sturgeon, Ph.D.
View the full conference program PDF