Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)-FibroTest [Test in Focus]

The NASH-FibroTest includes three noninvasive tests that enable clinicians to make a diagnosis and follow-up treatment decisions: NashTest 2, SteatoTest 2, and FibroTest. The new NASH-FibroTest is based on the latest, more simplified histological definition of NASH from the Clinical Research Network. This new test is also quantitative instead of semi-quantitative, which is more useful for the surveillance of patients at risk for metabolic liver disease and liver cancer in certain populations. Lastly, the new NASH-FibroTest is more convenient because the panel no longer requires BMI.

Nikola Baumann, Ph.D., gives an overview of the new NASH-FibroTest available through Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She discusses when this testing should be ordered, how this testing improves upon previous testing approaches, and what clinical action can be taken due to the results of this testing.



When to Order

  • Diagnosis and the follow-up of liver fibrosis, steatosis, and inflammation.
  • Estimating hepatic fibrosis.
  • Assessing inflammation for metabolic diseases. It is interpretable for assessing severity of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with steatosis (NAFLD).
  • Assessing steatosis or fatty liver.
  • Reassuring patients with steatosis only, without fibrosis.
  • Managing patients with severe injuries such as advanced fibrosis and NASH.


Specimen Information

Both serum and plasma are required for this test.

  • Patient Preparation: Fasting for 12 hours or more is required
  • Specimen Type: Serum
  • Supplies: Amber frosted tube, 5 mL (T192)
  • Collection Container/Tube:
  • Preferred: Serum gel
  • Acceptable: Red top
  • Submission Container/Tube: Amber vial (T192)
  • Specimen Volume: 4 mL
  • Collection Instructions:
    1. Centrifuge and aliquot within 2 hours of collection.
    2. Centrifuged serum must be light protected within 4 hours of collection. It is acceptable to draw the blood and then protect it from light after centrifugation as long as it's within 4 hours of collection.  
    3. Label specimen as serum.


  • Specimen Type: Plasma
  • Container/Tube: Grey top (potassium oxalate/sodium fluoride)
  • Submission Container/Tube: Plastic vial
  • Specimen Volume: 1 mL
  • Collection Instructions:
    1. Centrifuge and aliquot plasma
    2. Label specimen as plasma


Performance Information

Day(s) and Time(s) Test Performed

  • HAPTF, A2MF: Monday through Saturday; 3 p.m.
  • ALTF, GGTF, TBILF, ASTF, CHOLF, TRIGF, GLURF: Monday through Sunday; Continuously
  • APOAF: Monday through Saturday; Continuously

Analytic Time

  • 1 day

Alyssa Frank

Alyssa Frank is a Marketing Segment Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She leads marketing strategies for product management and specialty testing. Alyssa has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2015.