The research roundup provides an overview of the past week’s research from Mayo Clinic Laboratories consultants, including featured abstracts and a complete list of published studies and reviews.
Dysproteinemias progress through a series of clonal evolution events in the tumor cell along with the development of a progressively more "permissive" immune tumor microenvironment (iTME). Novel multiparametric cytometry approaches, such as cytometry by time-of-flight (CyTOF) combined with novel gating algorithms can rapidly characterize previously unknown phenotypes in the iTME of tumors and better capture its heterogeneity. Here, we used a 33-marker CyTOF panel to characterize the iTME of dysproteinemia patients (MGUS, multiple myeloma-MM, smoldering MM, and AL amyloidosis) at diagnosis and after standard of care first line therapies (triplet induction chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplant-ASCT). Via Blood Cancer Journal.