COVID-19 Daily News: June 17

National campaign, big names calling on COVID-19 survivors to help others defeat it

Today a coalition of more than 30 organizations is launching a national donor recruitment campaign — "The Fight Is In Us" — with the goal of connecting survivors with patients at licensed blood and plasma donor centers.

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Mayo Clinic Q and A: COVID-19 and gastrointestinal concerns

Dear Mayo Clinic: I've been hearing so much information about COVID-19 that I'm worried that every ache or pain may be related. I have been having stomachaches and then I began having diarrhea. I'm wondering if those are symptoms of COVID-19 and if I should get tested?

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Samantha Rossi

Samantha Rossi is a Digital Marketing Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She supports marketing strategies for product management and specialty testing. Samantha has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2019.