Robin Patel, M.D., weighs in on joint infection testing in genomeweb

A recent article posted on genomeweb explores the future of testing for joint infections, including new rapid multiplex PCR panels. Robin Patel, M.D., a clinical microbiologist and director of Mayo Clinic's Infectious Diseases Research Laboratory, was one of the experts featured in the article.

Robin Patel, M.D.

Dr. Patel discussed her lab's use of sequencing-based approaches to joint infections and its study of testing for prosthetic joint infections. She also addressed factors that need to be assessed when considering this testing.

"Having an assay with a low limit of detection can be especially relevant, but that may bring with it issues of specificity, especially for microorganisms that may be part of the normal skin microbiota," she said. "There are also issues of turnaround time, ease of use and cost to be considered."

The article also reviewed current research underway that is evaluating new bone and joint infection testing options.

Read the full article.

Tracy Will

Tracy Will is a senior marketing specialist at Mayo Clinic Laboratories where she covers innovation, specialty testing, and advances in laboratory medicine. Tracy has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2016.