Week in Review: July 23

The Week in Review provides an overview of the past week’s top health care content, including industry news and trends, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Clinic Laboratories news, and upcoming events.

Industry News

How the delta variant is affecting Minnesota's COVID-19 status

COVID-19 levels in Minnesota remain quite low compared to the nation's hot spots, though state health officials continue to stress the importance of getting vaccinated as the Delta variant and other variants that are more transmissible pose a health threat. Via Bring me the News

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Deaths up 25% from two weeks ago; cases rising in every state: Live COVID-19 updates

New coronavirus cases rose in all 50 states on Sunday for the fourth day in a row on a rolling seven-day average, an ominous run not seen since the spring 2020 surge. In some states the increases were startling. New cases in Rhode Island almost tripled week over week, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins data shows. Maine and Vermont's hikes were almost as large. New cases in Massachusetts, Alaska and Kentucky more than doubled their case counts in one week; Minnesota, Florida and Texas were right behind. The weekly rolling average for cases in the United States has nearly tripled in the last month. The pace of deaths also is up sharply – 24.7% from its low point two weeks ago. Via USA today

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All children should wear masks in school this fall, even if vaccinated, according to pediatrics group

The American Academy of Pediatrics on Monday recommended that all children over the age of 2 wear masks when returning to school this year, regardless of vaccination status. The AAP, which said its important for children to return to in-person learning this year, recommends that school staff also wear masks. The AAP is calling the new guidance a "layered approach." Via NBC News

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Mayo Clinic News

How necessary is a third dose and 3 other unknowns that have arisen during the vaccination against the coronavirus

Dr. Andrew Badley, from the Mayo Clinic in the US, explains that " there is currently not enough data to support the use of a booster vaccine for any patient." "Vaccines such as those of Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen are highly effective in protecting against severe symptoms, hospitalizations and deaths of any variant, including Delta." Via BBC Mundo

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This Virus Will Find Everybody Who Is Not Immune: Mayo Doctor’s Strong Warning Over COVID’s Delta Variant

Dr. Gregory Poland of the Mayo Clinic is one of the nation’s leading experts on vaccines. He says he is still wearing a mask even when he steps out of his Mayo office. “I think there is no question we are going to see a surge,” he said. “In a crowded scenario, I am in a mask, indoors or outdoors.” The Minnesota Department of Health say 99% of new cases in Minnesota are in unvaccinated people, and 75% of those new cases are the Delta variant. “It’s a serious warning for us in Minnesota,” he said. “We are seeing the Delta variant really take over.” Via CBSN Minnesota

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Watch Out for These Three Signs That Indicate a Possible Upcoming Heart Failure

Abnormal swelling and blood flowing from the heart can slow down over time, and it can back up in the veins. Next up, the pressure can cause fluid to accumulate in some of the tissues from the legs and sometimes in the abdomen as well, according to what Harkin says. Therefore, edema kicks in, which is another indicator of heart failure. Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, who is a professor of cardiovascular medicine from the Mayo Clinic and also a founder of the Women’s Heart clinic. Via Optic Flux

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Chantell Canfield

Chantell Canfield is a web content coordinator for Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She began working for Mayo Clinic in 2021.