Mayo Clinic in Florida is significantly ramping up efforts to process and test COVID-19 specimens for existing patients and the Florida region. In an effort to help the local community during the current pandemic, Mayo Clinic Laboratories will analyze large volumes of specimens that are sent in from regional hospitals, as well as samples collected on-site from existing Mayo Clinic patients.
Social distancing guidelines in the U.S. have extended until April 30 and many states now have stay-at-home orders to protect the nation during the COVID-19 pandemic. But isolation and loneliness can affect people's emotional health, especially older adults.
In this unconventional time, we are going to offer an unconventional article, really a collection of the previous week's news stories related to Mayo Clinic Research. Our plan - to share a brief excerpt and link to stories written by journalists around the world. Most will likely be about COVID-19, some may report findings that change as our understanding grows. All will be here to help you better understand how we are working to build the evidence base to help our patients, and people everywhere.
With the COVID-19 pandemic at the forefront of daily life, how much information should you share with a loved one who has Alzheimer's disease, dementia or mild cognitive impairment? And how do you explain the necessary precautions and social distancing requirements?
A novel coronavirus is a new strain that has not been seen before in humans. SARS-Co-V2 is a novel virus, causing the disease COVID-19. Because COVID-19 is a new disease, much is still being learned about how it spreads and the severity of illness it causes.
At a time when we’re all being asked to put some distance between ourselves, Mayo Clinic’s ambulance service and its public safety colleagues from Rochester’s fire, police and area first responders found a way to bring people together at least in a visual sense.