Top highlights include: back-to-school recommendations, how to integrate work and home life during the COVID-19 pandemic, similarities and differences between the flu and coronavirus, and the success of convalescent plasma.

By Samantha Rossi • August 16, 2020

Top highlights include: the effects of COVID-19 on emergency visits, long-term symptoms and complications of COVID-19, safe outdoor activities during the pandemic, and a phase 3 clinical trial of COVID-19 vaccine is underway.

By Samantha Rossi • August 9, 2020

Dr. Morice was recently featured in The Athletic regarding sports teams and how to safely and efficiently bring them back.

By Suzanne Ferguson • August 6, 2020

Top highlights include: Mayo Clinic expert discusses what it will take to reduce widespread transmission, herd immunity discussion with Dr. Bill Morice, skin care tips, and COVID-19 back-to-school checklist.

By Samantha Rossi • August 2, 2020

Top highlights include: test pooling and precautions from Dr. Bill Morice, radiology technologists uses slow times to train to help with department's AI projects, and a COVID-19 update with Dr. Greg Poland.

By Samantha Rossi • July 26, 2020

Top highlights include: how to understand contact tracing, supply chain management during COVID-19, infections of the virus in children, and the benefits of wearing a mask.

By Samantha Rossi • July 19, 2020

Dr. Morice, chair of Mayo Clinic’s Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and president of Mayo Clinic Laboratories, discusses the latest COVID-19 testing and the upcoming sports season.

By Suzanne Ferguson • July 16, 2020

Top highlights include: how to stay on track with medications, understanding the difference between antibody and diagnostic tests, news skills on Amazon's Alexa, and testing sites in Rochester, MN converge.

By Samantha Rossi • July 12, 2020

Five steps to help you stay on track with medications during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Samantha Rossi • July 6, 2020

Top highlights include: answers about sexual activity as it relates to contracting COVID-19 and a new Answers from the Lab podcast episode about the future of COVID-19 laboratory testing featuring Dr. Morice.

By Samantha Rossi • June 25, 2020

Top highlights include: Mayo Clinic to restore pay and return workers furloughed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mayo Clinic physician shares diary from a New York COVID ICU, and pregnancy during COVID-19.

By Samantha Rossi • June 24, 2020

COVID-19 safety: Tips for leaving home to travel, visit restaurants and more

By Samantha Rossi • June 23, 2020

Top highlights include: Minnesota community initiative showcases efforts to reopen safely in Rochester and answers to your questions about masking children during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Samantha Rossi • June 22, 2020