
According to Mayo Clinic research published in JAMA, six genes contain mutations that may be passed down in families, substantially increasing a person’s risk for pancreatic cancer.

By Mayo Clinic News Network • June 21, 2018

Joseph Grande, M.D., Ph.D., was recently awarded the 2018 Teacher of the Year Award for basic science education from the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine.

By April Josselyn • June 20, 2018

Just as money in the bank boosts your financial well-being, biobanks have the power to impact your health. Think of biobank samples as assets that researchers can draw upon to improve disease treatments.

By Barbara J. Toman • June 19, 2018

Jeff Meeusen, Ph.D., Co-Director of Cardiovascular Laboratory Medicine, recently had his paper, “Plasma Ceramides—A Novel Predictor of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events after Coronary Angiography” accepted by the peer-reviewed journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB), part of the American Heart Association’s group of journals.

By Gina Chiri-Osmond • June 19, 2018

For Sharon Preuss, Education Manager at Mayo Medical Laboratories in Rochester and winner of the title of "Blood Donor of the Month" this past February, a space at the entrance of her building, the Superior Drive Support Center, helped stave off Old Man Winter.

By Gina Chiri-Osmond • June 18, 2018

In this sketchnote, Jennifer Mieres, M.D., discusses Northwell Health’s journey to empower a community to care through a formalized diversity and inclusion strategy, education, and outreach.

By Theresa Malin • June 15, 2018

Jeremy Zacher, Education Specialist in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, highlights eight ways to enhance your teaching and learning.

By Jeremy Zacher • June 14, 2018

Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., has been elected President of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology. Dr. Binnicker will serve a two-year term beginning in 2020.

By April Josselyn • June 13, 2018

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has awarded a Translation Research Program grant to Andrew Feldman, M.D., for his work, “Biomarker-Based Strategies for Personalized Therapy of ALK-Negative Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma.”

By Molly Dee • June 12, 2018

Mayo Clinic laboratory workers have a new tool to perform high tech genetic sleuthing for the source of stubborn, sometimes life-threatening bacteria.

By Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine • June 12, 2018

Jane Hermansen, Outreach and Network Manager at Mayo Medical Laboratories in Rochester, Minnesota, recently authored an article featured in MedicalLab Management on integrating laboratory outreach across the health system.

By Kelley Luedke • June 11, 2018

This week’s Research Roundup highlights the detection of gastric cancer with novel methylated DNA markers: discovery, tissue validation, and pilot testing in plasma.

By Kelley Luedke • June 11, 2018

Justin Kreuter, M.D., Clinical Pathologist and Medical Director of the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center in Rochester, Minnesota, recently attended the International Consensus Conference for Patient Blood Management in Frankfurt, Germany. He shares five points of interest from the conference.

By Justin Kreuter • June 7, 2018