Ross Reichard, M.D., Chief Medical Examiner of the Southern Minnesota Regional Medical Examiner’s Office, located at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, talked with MinnPost about the cost of drug overdose investigations.
The Association of American Medical Colleges has awarded Joseph Grande, M.D., Ph.D., Consultant in the Division of Anatomic Pathology with a joint appointment in the Department of Nephrology at Mayo Clinic, the Alpha Omega Distinguished Teacher Award.
This week’s Research Roundup highlights how the DnaJ heat shock protein family B member 9 is a novel biomarker for fibrillary GN.
Justin Kreuter, M.D., Clinical Pathologist and Medical Director of the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center in Rochester, Minnesota, and Theresa Malin, an Education Specialist in Transfusion Medicine at Mayo Clinic, have launched "Transfusion Toons" as an innovative approach to teaching and learning transfusion medicine. View this post to see the new toon.
Here in Minnesota, we have entered into the time of year that is either loved or hated by Minnesotans: winter. In honor of Winter Hazard Awareness Week, November 6–10, Pat Hlavka, CSP, Safety Coordinator at Mayo Clinic, suggests resources and tips to stay safe this winter.
Elizabeth Gamache, a student in Mayo Clinic’s Medical Laboratory Science class of 2018, recaps her nine-week clinical chemistry course.
Ann Moyer, M.D., Ph.D., Co-Director of the Mayo Clinic Personalized Genomics Laboratory, was recently honored with a 2017 Distinguished and Outstanding Alumni Award from the University of Wisconsin–Platteville.
This week’s Research Roundup highlights an international assessment of event-free survival at 24 months and subsequent survival in peripheral T-cell lymphoma.
April Josselyn, Marketing Associate at Mayo Medical Laboratories, takes a closer look at the Mayo Clinic Phlebotomy Technician program.
On the October 28 broadcast of Mayo Clinic Radio, Minetta Liu, M.D., an oncologist and Research Chair for Mayo Clinic's Division of Medical Oncology, discussed the latest results of the Mayo Clinic National Health Checkup, which focused on cancer.
"Coaching" has become the latest buzzword on the staff-development scene. In its purest form, coaching is a developmental process carried out between the coach and a "talent" in order to promote desirable and sustainable change.
On Tuesday, October 24, Mayo Clinic employees at the Superior Drive Support Center in Rochester, Minnesota, held their annual Halloween-themed fundraiser for the United Way. The festivities included the annual pumpkin-decorating contest, raffle items, karaoke, and, of course, food.
This week’s Research Roundup highlights rates of hippocampal atrophy and presence of post-mortem TDP-43 in patients with Alzheimer's disease.