Gastroenterology – Featured

Mayo Clinic Laboratories has introduced a revolutionary diagnostic test for bile acid malabsorption, a significant contributor to chronic diarrhea. Developed by Dr. Michael Camilleri and Dr. Leslie Donato, this new bile acid malabsorption panel simplifies diagnosis and improves patient care by eliminating the need for special diets or prolonged stool collection. The test's effectiveness has been validated internationally, offering new treatment avenues for patients. Discover how this innovative test is transforming clinical practice and enhancing patient outcomes.

By Nicole Holman • August 12, 2024

Maria Alice Willrich, Ph.D., and Melissa Snyder, Ph.D., explain how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' unique risankizumab panel measures levels of both that drug and its antibodies in patients' blood. The results can better guide the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

By Barbara J. Toman • August 6, 2024

This three-part microlearning series is designed for healthcare professionals interested in understanding the diagnostic algorithms for celiac disease.

By MCL Education • May 30, 2024

Maria Alice Willrich, Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new assay provides therapeutic drug monitoring of risankizumab, or RISA. Test results help guide care for patients with plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and Crohn's disease.

By Barbara J. Toman • April 16, 2024

Mayo Clinic Laboratories introduces an advancement in the management of Crohn's disease with the release of a new laboratory test that measures Risankizumab levels in patients. This test will advance the therapeutic monitoring of Crohn's disease, enabling personalized treatment approaches.

By Suzanne Ferguson • April 16, 2024

Linda Hasadsri, M.D., Ph.D., and Huong T. Cabral, M.S., C.G.C., explain how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' targeted test panel facilitates accurate diagnosis of hereditary pancreatitis, which heightens the risk for pancreatic cancer. Test results can guide cancer monitoring for patients and their families.

By Barbara J. Toman • March 26, 2024

Since 1992, cases of colorectal cancer have been on a slow decline, yet 52,550 people died from it in 2023. At Mayo Clinic, a cutting-edge menu of both germline (inherited genetic alterations) and somatic (tumors due to non-inherited genetic alterations) testing are two critical tools helping to improve targeted treatments for colorectal and other common gastrointestinal cancers.

By Chris Bahnsen • March 13, 2024

Ann Moyer, M.D., Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' test panel provides comprehensive evaluation of patients with suspected monogenic early onset inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD. Accurate diagnosis is key to guiding therapy for patients, who might be as young as 2 years of age.

By Barbara J. Toman • February 20, 2024

Anne Tebo, Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new serum tests help overcome the challenges of diagnosing primary biliary cholangitis, or PBC. Test results can guide clinical care for patients with this life-threatening autoimmune liver disease.

By Barbara J. Toman • February 13, 2024

Devin Oglesbee, Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' cholestasis gene panel identifies mutations that cause low flow of bile from the liver. Test results help guide treatment decisions that can prevent liver damage.

By Barbara J. Toman • December 26, 2023

As someone affected by chronic liver disease, Susan Parrott knows how it feels to live in uncertainty. But every few months, the anxiety and doubt that shadow her life fade when Mayo Clinic Laboratories test results confirm her condition is in check and she can continue living life on her own terms.

By Robin Huiras-Carlson • March 6, 2023

Mayo Clinic Laboratories is committed to innovation that provides the right test at the right time for the right patients. That effort always starts with identifying gaps in patient care. Filling those gaps sometimes involves not developing new tests but finding ways to make existing tests more efficient and easier for patients.

By Barbara J. Toman • January 11, 2023