GI – pediatric

Ann Moyer, M.D., Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' test panel provides comprehensive evaluation of patients with suspected monogenic early onset inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD. Accurate diagnosis is key to guiding therapy for patients, who might be as young as 2 years of age.

By Barbara J. Toman • February 20, 2024

Identification of early-onset IBD patients may enable tailored treatment and surveillance plans. With over 50 genes implicated in early-onset IBD, genetic testing should be included in the workup of children under the age of six with IBD. Join Mayo Clinic, in this “Specialty Testing” webinar, for a discussion of this testing and its clinical application.

By MCL Education • November 18, 2023

Puanani Hopson, D.O., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ malabsorption panel can provide timelier diagnosis for children with chronic diarrhea or unexplained weight loss. The novel panel, which bundles four existing tests, requires just one stool sample.

By Barbara J. Toman • November 15, 2022

For a young child diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, an unexpected turn of events led by results of a Mayo Clinic Laboratories test freed him and his family from the bonds of frequent medical visits and expensive treatment, and opened the door to a life unencumbered by illness.

By Robin Huiras-Carlson • May 2, 2022

Ann Moyer, M.D., Ph.D., discusses TPNUQ, Mayo Clinic Laboratories' genotyping test for identifying patients at risk for thiopurine toxicity. Used prior to therapy initiation, our assay evaluates for nuances in both TPMT and NUDT15, which have associations to thiopurine metabolization.

By Barbara J. Toman • April 5, 2022

Pua Hopson, D.O., discusses Mayo Clinic Labs’ new disaccharidase activity panel, which measures levels of five digestive enzymes to identify deficiencies that cause carbohydrate maldigestion and can lead to chronic conditions like celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease. Performed on tissue sample biopsies during upper endoscopy, the activity panel is the gold standard test for detecting disaccharidase deficiencies.

By Samantha Rossi • June 29, 2021

In this month’s Hot Topic, Robin Patel, M.D., discusses Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ new PCR assay for detection of Helicobacter pylori detection and determination of clarithromycin resistance directly from stool.

By MCL Education • March 22, 2021