David S. Viswanatha, M.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new assay provides rapid, definitive diagnosis of VEXAS, a recently identified syndrome affecting older men. Early diagnosis is key to managing the syndrome, which severely impacts multiple organs and blood.
The assay is now recommended for diagnosing and monitoring patients with monoclonal protein disorders and exclusively available through Mayo Clinic Laboratories– Rochester.
David Viswanatha, M.D., a hematopathologist and co-director of the molecular hematology and complete genome sequencing laboratories at Mayo Clinic, provides an overview of BCR/ABL1 testing, discusses the best testing methods, NCCN/ELN criteria guidelines, why FISH testing is no longer routinely available at Mayo Clinic, and what test to order at what time for CML patients.
The diagnosis of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) must include an integrated approach and combine the clinical findings with laboratory results. In our latest “Hot Topic,” Rong He, M.D., discusses the subclassification of MPNs and the use of JAK2, CALR, and MPL mutational analysis in diagnosis and prognosis.
Flow cytometric immunophenotyping method can be useful in assessing myeloid dysmaturation. In this “Hot Topic,” Dragon Jevremovic, M.D., Ph.D., describes a new flow cytometric test to detect aberrant patterns of expression in the diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome.