MCL Featured Stories

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In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” host Justin Kreuter, M.D., interviews Eric Hsi, M.D., chair of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, about the lab’s important role in healthcare.

By MCL Education • May 3, 2024

In this special episode of “Answers From the Lab,” host Bobbi Pritt, M.D., chair of the Division of Clinical Microbiology at Mayo Clinic, is joined by William Morice II, M.D., Ph.D., CEO and president of Mayo Clinic Laboratories. They discuss the final rule issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on April 29, 2024, to make explicit its plan to regulate laboratory-developed tests (LDT) as medical devices under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

By Luci Gens • May 2, 2024

This page includes updates posted to Mayo Clinic Labs during the month of April.

By Michael Hutchison • May 2, 2024

As a successful outcome of the collaboration announced in 2023, Progentec’s proprietary biomarker blood tests for the proactive management of systemic lupus erythematosus are now available through Mayo Clinic Laboratories.

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • May 1, 2024

David S. Viswanatha, M.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new assay provides rapid, definitive diagnosis of VEXAS, a recently identified syndrome affecting older men. Early diagnosis is key to managing the syndrome, which severely impacts multiple organs and blood.

By Barbara J. Toman • April 30, 2024

In this episode of Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ “Leveraging the Laboratory” podcast, host Jane Hermansen, outreach manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories, speaks with outreach solutions strategists Ellen Dijkman Dulkes and Brianne Newton. Their discussion focuses on advocating for the laboratory, lab careers, and the value of lab testing.

By Luci Gens • April 29, 2024

The downtime process and form have been improved to provide clear guidance on the steps clients should take during downtime.

By Elizabeth Harty • April 26, 2024

Mary Jo Williamson, chief administrative officer of Mayo Clinic Laboratories, joins the “Fierce Healthcare” podcast to discuss how organizations can cultivate resiliency and agility amidst a changing healthcare landscape.

By Luci Gens • April 24, 2024

Maryam Shahi, M.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' unique biomarker test (TEST ID: AFOLR) determines which patients would likely benefit from a new treatment for recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer. Disease recurrence is common, and about one-third of patients respond to the new medication.

By Barbara J. Toman • April 23, 2024

PACE / State of FL - In this webinar we'll address the critical role of planning to support innovation and transformation in today's laboratory outreach environment, particularly related to Information Technology initiatives. The pandemic has accelerated the need for efficient workflows and digital solutions, and the laboratory outreach program needs to keep up. We'll delve into practical tools and insightful strategies to help you navigate the challenges related to implementing these initiatives in your laboratory.

By MCL Education • April 23, 2024

The most successful laboratory outreach programs recognize the importance of serving multiple customers. From provider to patient to healthcare consumer, the laboratory has an opportunity to serve them all with high-quality results and excellent service. When aligning testing with community awareness and patient needs, the laboratory outreach program can strategically plan for future success.

By Jane Hermansen • April 22, 2024

In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” host Justin Kreuter, M.D., speaks with Chancey Christenson, M.D., about the lab's important role in healthcare.

By MCL Education • April 19, 2024

Mayo Clinic Laboratories has marked a significant advancement in the fight against Alzheimer's disease with the introduction of an innovative diagnostic test. This noninvasive blood test accurately detects the p-Tau217 biomarker, indicative of amyloid beta accumulation in the brain. This test is set to transform the approach to Alzheimer's disease management, offering a convenient and less invasive alternative to traditional diagnostic methods.

By Luci Gens • April 17, 2024