MCL Featured Stories

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Mayo Clinic Laboratories now offers the first preeclampsia-specific test (Mayo ID: PERA) that can be used to stratify patients into low or high-risk categories, indicating whether a patient is at risk for developing preeclampsia with severe features. With this information, clinicians can make more informed decisions about hospitalization, monitoring, more frequent checkups, and even early delivery.

By Cory Pedersen • January 30, 2024

Due to a major weather impact at the FedEx hub in Memphis, Tennessee, the Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ Global Logistics team is working to minimize any client impacts. Please visit our website for updates. For any immediate needs, please contact Customer Service at 800-533-1710 and ask to be forwarded to the Global Logistics specialist. 

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • January 22, 2024

In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” host Justin Kreuter, M.D., and Rondell Graham, M.B.B.S., delve into the critical decisions involved in contemplating a role on the staff at the institution where you receive your training.

By MCL Education • January 19, 2024

Short, interactive case studies from Mayo Clinic physicians, scientists, and allied health staff.

By MCL Education • January 12, 2024

Globally, five million deaths are associated with bacterial antimicrobial resistance each year, but the complexity of the issue is there is no single solution because we need to use antibiotics. It’s about finding a different way to live with it.

By Elizabeth Harty • January 11, 2024

PACE/State of FL This webinar will provide a methodology for laboratory leadership to review their test menu for assays that most impact the financial health of their laboratory.

By MCL Education • January 9, 2024

There is a major weather system moving across the United States that may impact specimen transport. Winter storm Finn is expected to spread snow, strong winds, and create possible blizzard conditions into the Plains and Midwest. This may impact courier pickups and cause delays at major hubs (Fed Ex and UPS). We are monitoring and tracking this situation with our logistics partners and are prepared to adjust to minimize challenges. Clients should expect to be contacted directly by the couriers should any routes be modified or canceled.

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • January 9, 2024

On the brink of losing her battle with acute myeloid leukemia, Shannon Camlek arrived at Mayo Clinic as a last hope. Her chances didn’t look good, but with the help of specialized genetic testing, particularly FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) studies, doctors were able to detect the specific gene mutations responsible for her symptoms and disease. The test results also helped Shannon’s care team target her treatment accordingly, and finally put an end to what Shannon likens as starring in her own personal horror movie while in search of hope and healing.

By Chris Bahnsen • January 8, 2024

Recognizing the signs of burnout in your employees is key. Taking action early not only boosts their well-being but also prevents serious health and career consequences down the road.

By MCL Education • January 8, 2024

Jeff Meeusen, Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new MI-Heart Ceramides assay helps guide the management of patients with mildly to moderately high cholesterol. The test measures levels of lipids beyond cholesterol that boost cardiovascular risk.

By Barbara J. Toman • January 4, 2024

This page includes updates posted to Mayo Clinic Labs during the month of December.

By Michael Hutchison • January 2, 2024

Robin Patel, M.D., explains how a new Mayo Clinic Laboratories' assay can identify central nervous system pathogens that standard tests fail to detect. Rapid, precise diagnosis is essential to preventing long-term effects from these infections.

By Barbara J. Toman • January 2, 2024

Linnea Baudhuin, Ph.D., and Kate Kotzer, M.S., CGC, describe how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' postmortem genetic tests can provide answers after a sudden unexplained cardiac death. Test results are important for managing family members' risk for cardiovascular disease.

By Barbara J. Toman • December 28, 2023