February 20, 2025
Patient MRN added for Message Center alerts
The Patient column on the Critical, Cancel, and Revision ALERTS tab will include the patient's Medical Record Number (MRN), name, and date of birth when provided. The MRN will be searchable on the main landing page.
December 5, 2024
Users can check the Urgent Messages box in SETTINGS on the USER and ACCOUNT tabs. When activated, this option sends the user or account an email notification for each urgent message in Message Center.
Because this check box is off, the user must check it to activate the relevant subscriptions.
A response is needed to proceed with processing the test. Urgent Mayo-created cases have visual indicators in red on the landing page under the ‘New’ tab in MESSAGES.
For urgent cases included on the ‘New” tab in MESSAGES, a Message Center user in your organization should respond to Mayo immediately. If no timely response is received, Mayo will send subsequent reminders in the Message Center. After five days of no response, Mayo will call your organization to obtain the needed information.
September 12, 2024
If the test code is obsolete, the user will see a popup with the Test Updates page. They can then click on the test notice for that specific test to see additional information.
Updated date range picker
Users can select a specific date range by clicking the calendar icon. For quicker options, expand the view with the plus sign to choose one of the shortcuts, such as from LAST Week, Last 30 DAYS, or LAST 90 DAYS.
Below are the shortcuts for the From and To date fields:
T | Today's date |
T-1 | Yesterday's date |
T-X | X number of days before today |
013124 | 01/31/2024 |
01312024 | 01/31/2024 |
01/31/2024 | 01/31/2024 |
Test Add-On: Mayo Accession Number
When requesting a Test Add-On, if a user selects Yes in response to "Was a new order created for this test?", they will be able to search for the test in the New Order Number (Client Order or Mayo Order Number) field using either the Mayo Accession Number or Client Order Number. If they cannot find the order, the user can continue to enter the order number manually.
July 16, 2024
New HTML window for Order Information
Under the landing page MESSAGES category, when the client order number link in the Order Information column is clicked, the order details open in a new HTML window smaller than the Message Center landing page.
July 2, 2024
Account Picker
When accounts are selected, users will see those in tiles to the right of the Account Number box. Users can hover over the tile to display the full name if the account name is long.
Users will have the option to click and 'Select All Accounts.'
Users will see how many accounts cases are showing by seeing 'All accounts selected' or '2 of 6 Accounts.'
If a circle with an "x" appears in the account name box, users can click on it to remove the corresponding account tile from view. This functionality is available only for certain products.
Settings Page Account Picker
The account selection user interface has been updated:
For Alerts (Critical/Semi-Urgent, Cancel, Revision), users can enter internal notes and save them into the details page case.
Comments entered will be saved within the details page and will not be transmitted to Mayo Clinic. Multiple comments can be appended, each marked with the date, time, and user's name. Once saved, users are unable to delete internal comments.
June 6, 2024
User Preferences for Alert Visibility
Under the settings, users will see "Selected Alert Subtabs will be displayed."
Users will receive a Notice explaining the action of hiding a subtab will remove the checked box for immediate email notifications for that hidden subtab. A user can reselect the email subscription by scrolling down and clicking the box that was removed under Alerts.
If a user has a subtab hidden and is still receiving immediate email notifications for that hidden subtab, they click on the link in the email it takes them to Message Center. The user will see the message banner informing them that they have this subtab setting off and need to go to the settings page to view it. The link on the message banner will take them to the settings page.
When a user removes the check in the box, they must click the "UPDATE" button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes.
A user will no longer see the hidden subtab on the Landing Page. If a user is viewing multiple account numbers on the Alert tab, those accounts with hidden specific subtabs will not display, and they will not see that account under the Order Information column on the landing page.
In the General Layout area of settings: If a user selects a tab they want to see when opening Message Center but then hides that specific subtab, the default will be that Message Center opens on Messages New subtabs.
Collection Date and Time for Alerts
On the landing page for Alerts, users will see the collected date and time under the order information column on cases.
April 25, 2024
New subtabs were added under the Archive tab to divide the alerts and message cases when they are being archived.
April 11, 2024
A user will have the option to include the audit log when they're printing a Details page.
Users will be able to archive all alerts on any Alert subtab displayed on the landing page by clicking the Archive All button. The cases being displayed on that page will then move to the Archived tab.
When a user is requesting a Test Add On and has created a new order, in the "Was a new order created for this test? Yes" section, when the user enters the order number information the newly added tests and Ask at Order Entry (AOE) answers will autofill within Message Center.
March 28, 2024
Semi-urgent cases are now being more clearly defined, so that semi-urgent alerts will only trigger for orders that have “Semi-Urgent” in the result comment.
Contact Customer Service with questions or concerns. Thank you.
February 29, 2024
Message Center count on MCL.com dashboard with links to subtabs
Users will be able to see all category/subtab new messages on the MCL.com home page. When a user clicks the category/subtab it will take them to the landing page with that subtab displaying. Users will no longer see the blue circle new messages by the Message Center icon on the homepage, but the icon will still take them to the Message Center landing page.
Pull user default settings and display in Message Center
Users will be able to set the category/subtab that the Message Center opens so that it is customized to their workflow.
This setting is by account. When the Landing Page displays cases from more than one account and the accounts are set to open on different categories/subtabs, the default category upon opening the page is ALERTS, and the default subtab is Critical/Semi-Urgent.
User Interface (UI) Change
Existing components will move to a different system to keep the look standardized. This visually changes the UI.
February 1, 2024
Canceled tests, Revised, Critical, and Semi-Urgent results
Users will see new subtabs under the Alert category for the following:
Users can review the result report, assign, print, and archive alerts, streamlining the management process. This enables effective delegation, documentation, and organization of alerts for efficient monitoring and historical reference. When a user opens Message Center the default tab will now be Alert - Critical/Semi-Urgent that opens.
Immediate and summary email notifications
Users can choose to receive immediate and summary email notifications for:
All but Transportation information email notifications are set to "off" so emails will not be sent unless the user turns them on in Message Center Settings.
Email alerts related to transportation delays
The user setting to receive email alerts related to transportation delays will now be "on" by default. If a user does not want to receive Transportation information email notifications, they can remove the selection in Message Center SETTINGS.
January 22, 2024
A new option in ACCOUNT SETTINGS will allow clients to keep the same user assigned to a message, rather than the message automatically becoming unassigned when it is ‘Sent to Mayo.’ Clients will be able to specify whether they want to keep the same user assigned to a message.
In response to user feedback, the SETTINGS pages have been redesigned to set the user assignment settings apart from the email subscription settings.
Contact Customer Service with questions or concerns.
January 8, 2024
Message Center has been enhanced to include new capabilities:
Audit log
An AUDIT LOG for clients to view appears at the bottom of the DETAILS page for all case types. It will be collapsed by default; users must click it to view it. Actions taken by the Administrator and RSR users will not be shown in the Audit Log UI in Message Center. Those audits can be viewed within the CRM case.
Red text
Modified urgent client requests to red text:
"For an urgent request: submit a message, call Customer Service, and reference the Mayo Case Number."
Specimen pending arrival
Specimen Pending Arrival – Delayed shipment (48-hr) case type: Clients will be able to Request to Close these messages.
December 11, 2023
Mayo-initiated Test Add-On Attestation box
Users will see an Attestation Required approval box for tests that Mayo is adding. Clients will need to either Accept or Deny and then save the Test Add On that is in question. Before they do, users will be able to ask additional questions, but Mayo will need a decision on the Test Add On. The user's name, date, and time will be added once the decision is saved.
When Mayo asks for an additional specimen for testing, clients will be able to print the additional sheet from the DETAILS page that is associated with the order so that they can send it with the additional specimen.
November 27, 2023
Clients can print case information and client internal notes prior to submitting a response to Mayo Clinic Laboratories
When the client user clicks the Print icon (printer in circle at top right) to open the Print window, the Internal Instructions dialog box appears. Completing the text field in this dialog box is optional. When the user begins entering internal notes in this field, the ghost text disappears. The character limit for the field is 2,000. When the user prints the DETAILS page, the notes appear in a blue box on the printout. They will not be saved as a draft in the case, and therefore, Mayo Clinic Laboratories will not be able to view them. Users do not have to fill out the Internal Instructions dialog box. They can simply click the CONTINUE button, and the page will print without internal instructions the blue box. Alternatively, the user can click the CANCEL button or the X at the top right to return to the DETAILS page without printing.
November 13, 2023