Detecting antibodies associated
with allergens

Specific IgE (sIgE) blood testing, commonly called radioallergosorbent test (RAST) or ImmunoCAP testing, measures the amount of allergy-causing antibodies in your bloodstream, known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. A blood sample is sent to a medical laboratory, where it can be tested for evidence of sensitivity to possible allergens. Measurement of the concentration of IgE in serum may be useful in the initial evaluation of patients suspected of having an allergic disease.

Available specific IgE allergy listing

  • Animals – (Epithelia and Proteins)
  • Antibiotics
  • Drugs
  • Food – Dairy
  • Food – Fish
  • Food – Fruit
  • Food – Grains
  • Food – Meat
  • Food – Miscellaneous
  • Food – Nuts
  • Food – Spices/Condiments
  • Food – Vegetables
  • Grasses
  • House Dust
  • House Dust Mites
  • Insects – Venoms
  • Insects – Whole Bodies
  • Isocyanate
  • Miscellaneous
  • Molds
  • Occupational
  • Parasites
  • Trees
  • Weeds

Profile tests

  • Dairy and Grain
  • Northeast Regional
  • Non-seasonal inhalants
  • Nuts
  • Peanut, IgE with Reflex to Peanut Components, IgE, Serum
  • Seafood
  • Seasonal Inhalants
  • Stinging Insects

Pediatric profiles

  • Pediatric Allergy Screen <3 years
  • Pediatric Allergy Screen 3-8 years
  • Pediatric Allergy Screen >8 years

Respiratory profiles by region

  • Respiratory Profile, Region 1, North Atlantic (CT, MA, ME, NJ, NH, NY, PA, RI, VT)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 2, Mid-Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NC, VA)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 3, South Atlantic (GA, N. FL, SC)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 4, Subtropic Florida (Florida South of Orlando
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 5, Ohio Valley (IN, KY, OH, TN, WV)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 6, South Central (AL, AR, LA, MS)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 7, Northern Midwest (MI, MN, WI)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 8, Central Midwest (IA, IL, MO)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 9, Great Plains, (KS, ND, NE, SD)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 10, Southwestern Grasslands (OK, TX)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 11, Rocky Mountain (AZ [Mt], CO, ID [Mt], MN, UT [Mt], WY)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 12, Arid Southwest (Southern AZ Desert, Southern CA Desert)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 13, Southern Coastal California
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 14, Central California
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 15, Intermountain West (Southern ID, NV)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 16, Inland Northwest (OR, Central and Eastern WA)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 17, Pacific Northwest (Northwestern CA, Western OR, WA)
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 18, Alaska
  • Respiratory Profile, Region 19, Puerto Rico

Screening panels

  • Epithelia
  • Feather
  • Food
  • Food – Fruit
  • Food – Grain
  • Food – Meat
  • Food – Nut
  • Food – Seafood
  • Food – Vegetable
  • Grass
  • House Dust
  • Mold
  • Occupational
  • Tree
  • Weed

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