COVID Resource Center Newsroom

Although these sites may offer convenience, Dr. Morice cautions that it's important to understand the potential drawbacks.

By Tracy Will • November 18, 2020

In a story on Washington D.C. Fox 5 News, Dr. Morice reviewed the significance of reports that a COVID-19 vaccine was found to be more than 90% effective.

By Tracy Will • November 13, 2020

In a recent "Answers From the Lab" podcast, Aaron Tande, M.D., an infectious disease specialist and associate chair for outpatient practice in Mayo Clinic's Division of Infectious Diseases, explains the algorithm Mayo has developed to make sure patients receive the right test at the right time, so they can get the care they need as quickly as possible.

By Tracy Will • November 11, 2020

The in-depth article examines how the onset of flu season has the potential to further complicate testing challenges posed by COVID-19.

By Tracy Will • October 29, 2020

Flu season is just now unfolding. But this time, it’s piggy-backed with a pandemic, which threatens to spike with the colder weather as people huddle indoors. Adding to this conundrum is the unsettling fact that, for both COVID-19 and the flu, the symptoms overlap.

By Chris Bahnsen • October 21, 2020

The concept of at-home testing for COVID-19 sounds straightforward. But there's nuance to it that's important to understand. Right now, an at-home test for COVID-19 is not available, although there may be one coming soon. But in some areas, at-home sample collection is an option at this time.

By Tracy Will • October 12, 2020

When COVID-19 hit in early 2020, it brought a whirlwind of change. Staff in Mayo Clinic's Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology rose to the challenge with perseverance, flexibility, and resilience.

By Tracy Will • October 9, 2020

Dr. Pritt reviews how the timing and method of testing can affect the reliability of COVID-19 test results.

By Tracy Will • October 8, 2020

Dr. Pritt joins a group of testing experts to sort through the information and help clear up confusion about COVID-19 testing.

By Tracy Will • October 7, 2020

In a recent Wall Street Journal article that reviewed COVID-19 symptoms, treatment and prevention, William Morice, II, M.D., Ph.D., weighed in on the role of testing.

By Tracy Will • October 7, 2020

Dr. Theel is transforming health care by vetting antibody tests and has set up a COVID-19 testing program at Mayo Clinic.

By Tracy Will • October 1, 2020

Bobbi Pritt, M.D., and Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., offered insight on testing accuracy, as well as circumstances that could affect a test's reliability.

By Tracy Will • September 21, 2020

Zacher now works to assist staff who have transitioned to working from home as they learn new technology.

By Tracy Will • September 18, 2020