
Sharon Zehe, J.D., an attorney at Mayo Clinic and Vice President of Business Affairs for Mayo Medical Laboratories, recently presented at the HIMSS Precision Medicine Summit in Boston on "Four Issues for Providers of Precision Medicine."

By Kelley Luedke • June 13, 2017

Justin Kreuter, M.D., reflects on graduation season and highlights the impactful speakers from this year's Mayo Clinic Medical Laboratory Scientist graduation.

By Justin Kreuter • June 12, 2017

This week’s Research Roundup highlights noninvasive assessment of renal fibrosis with magnetization transfer MR imaging.

By Kelley Luedke • June 12, 2017

Michael Henry, M.D., Consultant in the Division of Anatomic Pathology, has received the 2017 Outstanding Physician/Scientist Educator Award from the Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences for his long-term and significant commitment to education.

By April Josselyn • June 12, 2017

The Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences 10-week Phlebotomy Program is awarding full scholarships for students who are accepted into the October program. Application deadline is Wednesday, September 6.

By April Josselyn • June 9, 2017

Shelley Kleinwort, a Business Intelligence Manager for Mayo Medical Laboratories, has been donating blood for the last 25 years. Growing up in Byron, Minnesota, and being part of the Mayo Clinic community, she has always known the need for blood donations and how much they can benefit patients.

By Alyssa Frank • June 6, 2017

This week’s Research Roundup highlights oncologic outcomes for patients with residual cancer at cystectomy following neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

By Kelley Luedke • June 5, 2017

Paula Santrach, M.D., Consultant in the Division of Transfusion Medicine and Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic, was named the recipient of the 2017 American College of Medical Quality (ACMQ) Founders Award during the ACMQ Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.

By April Josselyn • June 2, 2017

Mike Baisch, Principal Systems Engineer at Mayo Clinic, discusses how to apply the staffing-to-workload methodology to accommodate same-day testing requirements.

By Mike Baisch • June 1, 2017

Nhien Chau, Clinical Laboratory Technologist in the Biochemical Genetics Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, decided to face his fear of public speaking by joining the Rochester Chamber Toastmasters group.

By Kelley Luedke • June 1, 2017

Teamwork is critical among staff from Mayo Clinic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison in order to keep tabs on tick trends and defend against vector-borne diseases.

By Chris Bahnsen • May 31, 2017

In a recent article in the Star Tribune, Bobbi Pritt, M.D., Director of the Clinical Parasitology Laboratory in Mayo Clinic’s Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, weighs in on bugs present in Minnesota to watch out for this summer.

By Kelley Luedke • May 30, 2017

The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) has announced the 2017 “40 under Forty” honorees. Each year, the Selection Committee identifies 40 ASCP members under the age of 40 who are recognized for being future pathology and laboratory medicine leaders. There are six Mayo Clinic staff members on this year’s list of honorees.

By April Josselyn • May 29, 2017