
Mayo Clinic implemented a patient blood-management program in 2010 on its Rochester campus and has since experienced a 35-percent reduction of blood transfusions, improving patient outcomes and achieving significant savings. Using best practices from the program, Mayo Medical Laboratories collaborated with National Decision Support Company (NDSC) to combine Mayo’s clinical knowledge with NDSC’s industry-leading expertise in electronic health record clinical-decision support.

By Gina Chiri-Osmond • August 17, 2018

Mayo Clinic was named the best hospital in the nation in U.S. News & World Report’s 29th annual "Best Hospitals Honor Roll" published online on August 14. Mayo Clinic also ranked No. 1 in more specialties than any other hospital in the country.

By Mayo Clinic News Network • August 14, 2018

Bonner General Health in Sandpoint, Idaho, has selected Mayo Medical Laboratories as its primary reference laboratory. This selection gives Bonner General Health access to Mayo Clinic’s extensive menu of laboratory tests and clinical expertise.

By Gina Chiri-Osmond • July 26, 2018

Mayo Clinic has again received a top score on the Disability Equality Index, or DEI, and designation as a 2018 Disability Equality Index Best Place to Work.

By Mayo Clinic News Network • July 17, 2018

North Mississippi Medical Center has selected Mayo Medical Laboratories as its primary reference laboratory.

By Gina Chiri-Osmond • July 10, 2018

Combining innovative Mayo Clinic laboratories with medical businesses and creative start-up companies will help Rochester—and benefit patients.

By Mayo Clinic Discovery's Edge • July 10, 2018

It's time to start preparing for what could be a bumper crop of ticks across the U.S. As the last of the winter's snow melts, ticks start coming up from under the grass looking for a blood meal. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Bobbi Pritt, a Mayo Clinic parasitic diseases expert, explains an easy trick to remember the best ways to protect yourself from tick bites.

By Mayo Clinic News Network • May 29, 2018

Mayo Clinic is one of more than 100 organizations across the U.S. that is funded by the National Institutes of Health to partner in the All of Us Research Program, which aims to enroll at least 1 million participants to better understand how genetic differences contribute to disease.

By Kelley Luedke • May 23, 2018

On May 1, laboratory leaders joined together to address laboratory trends and challenges at the 23rd annual Executive War College in New Orleans. Robert Michel,[...]

By April Josselyn • May 7, 2018

Sharon Zehe, J.D., an attorney for the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic and a genetic privacy expert, discusses the risks utilizing open-source genetic databases.

By Kelley Luedke • May 4, 2018

Mayo Clinic again was named to DiversityInc's Top Hospitals and Health Systems ranking. This is the seventh consecutive year that Mayo has been ranked among the top health care organizations for its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity.

By Mayo Clinic News Network • May 4, 2018

Illnesses caused by disease-infected ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas have tripled in the U.S. in recent years, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Lyme disease is the most common illness attributed to ticks.

By Mayo Clinic News Network • May 4, 2018

Multiple Mayo Clinic locations have received national recognition for their sustainability efforts through Practice Greenhealth, a national organization dedicated to reducing health care’s impact on the environment. The annual awards recognize health care organizations that have implemented programs to improve environmental performance and continuously work toward higher sustainability goals.

By Mayo Clinic News Network • April 20, 2018