MCL Featured Stories

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Mayo Clinic Laboratories is committed to security and to protecting your information. As part of this commitment, we will implement an optional two-step login process for Mayo Clinic Laboratories applications called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This process is like the two-step login process used by many other apps and provides an extra layer of security.

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • September 25, 2023

Marketing is an essential discipline of any successful laboratory outreach program. While specific marketing goals and audiences will differ for every program, most of them will certainly involve driving awareness and growth. A strong partnership with the organization’s marketing team will allow the laboratory to capitalize on the organization’s brand, connect with customers, and generate business. For a busy laboratory, the first step in marketing is often knowing where to focus the team’s valuable resources. Here are some practical marketing strategies any outreach laboratory can apply.

By Luci Gens • September 18, 2023

Hurricane Lee will be impacting the New England area and northeastern Canada this weekend. We are monitoring and tracking the situation with our logistics partners to minimize challenges. Your organization will be contacted directly by the couriers if a route is modified or canceled due to the storm.  

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • September 15, 2023

In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” host Justin Kreuter, M.D., speaks with Jeff Meeusen, Ph.D., assistant professor of laboratory medicine and pathology and clinical chemist in the Division of Clinical Core Laboratory Services for the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic, who discusses a forthcoming guidance document on lipid testing.

By MCL Education • September 15, 2023

PACE / State of FL
This “Continual Improvement” webinar will provide an overview of the most common CLIA deficiencies in 2022 and ideas for avoiding noncompliance. The presenters will also review new CMS rules for remote review that were published at the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency and provide an update on efforts to reform the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) provisions that are used to calculate laboratory reimbursement.

By MCL Education • September 13, 2023

An avid runner and fitness buff, Mark Kocak didn’t think he needed medication for his high cholesterol and hypertension. After coming to Mayo Clinic for ceramide testing, Mark knew exercise alone would not be enough to him on a path toward greater longevity.

By Chris Bahnsen • September 11, 2023

In this “Hot Topic,” Divyanshu Dubey, M.B.B.S., associate professor of laboratory medicine and pathology and neurology at Mayo Clinic, discusses various clinical and paraclinical features of autoimmune encephalitis, autoimmune seizures, and epilepsy.

By MCL Education • September 11, 2023

This "Pathways" program provides Anatomic and Clinical Pathology cases that include a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. Cases for September include the following sub-specialties: Cardiovascular Pathology, Cytopathology, Cytogenetics, Hematopathology, and Laboratory Genetics and Genomics.

By MCL Education • September 8, 2023

This page includes updates posted to Mayo Clinic Labs during the month of August.

By Michael Hutchison • September 2, 2023

In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” guest host, Ann Moyer, M.D., Ph.D., speaks with Justin Kreuter, M.D., transfusion medicine pathologist and assistant professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at Mayo Clinic about the importance of creating and practicing professional presentations.

By MCL Education • September 1, 2023

PACE / State of FL
This month’s “Virtual Lecture” recognizes the importance of tracking tumor cell development and the heterogeneity in cancer cell growth dynamics at the clonal resolution and reveals features of tumor cell metastasis.

By MCL Education • August 30, 2023

Hurricane Idalia is expected to impact Florida on Wednesday, Aug. 30. We are monitoring and tracking the situation with our logistics partners to minimize challenges.

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • August 29, 2023

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Julia Lehman, M.D., professor of dermatology and laboratory medicine and pathology, discusses a subepidermal disease mediated by collagen VII autoantibodies.

By MCL Education • August 21, 2023