MCL Featured Stories

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Hurricane Hilary will be impacting the West Coast this weekend and into early next week. We are monitoring and tracking the situation with our logistics partners to minimize challenges. Clients will be contacted directly by the couriers if a route is modified or canceled due to the storm. Additionally, we are identifying and activating alternate solutions to help deliver client specimens to Mayo Clinic Laboratories. 

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • August 18, 2023

Due to the Labor Day holiday (recognized on Monday, September 4th), Mayo Clinic Laboratories' specimen pickup and delivery schedules will be altered. To ensure specimen viability and avoid turnaround time delays, follow the guidelines below.

By Samantha Rossi • August 18, 2023

In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” guest host, Ann Moyer speaks with Justin Kreuter, M.D., transfusion medicine pathologist and assistant professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at Mayo Clinic about common misunderstandings and practical ways to teach the basics of coagulation.

By MCL Education • August 18, 2023

When considering the outreach laboratory value stream, it is important to remember that without quality, there is no value. Through identifying sources for error or non-value-added activities, the hospital laboratory outreach program can rise above and demonstrate value through customer service, physician support, and patient care.

By Jane Hermansen • August 14, 2023

This "Pathways" program provides Anatomic and Clinical Pathology cases that include a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. Cases for August include the following sub-specialties: Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology, Biochemical Genetics, Clinical Chemistry, Hematopathology, and Laboratory Genetics and Genomics

By MCL Education • August 11, 2023

Patients with elevated LDL or "bad" cholesterol face even greater risk if their levels of small dense LDL cholesterol are also high. Vlad Vasile, M.D., Ph.D., and Leslie Donato, Ph.D., explain how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' sdLDL-c assay measures concentrations of the small dense LDL subtype, to better guide clinical care.

By Barbara J. Toman • August 8, 2023

Her father was a heavy smoker who eventually needed bypass surgery for his clogged arteries, and three of her sisters died prematurely from heart attacks. So, as Stephanie Blendermann approached the age of 65, she had good reason to think her family history would catch up with her sooner or later. That is, until she came to Mayo Clinic for ceramide testing, which helped to change the trajectory of her life.

By Chris Bahnsen • August 7, 2023

In this “Hot Topic,” Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich, Ph.D., professor of laboratory medicine and pathology at Mayo Clinic, discusses the role of bone turnover markers in osteoporosis treatment as well as how to best interpret changes in bone turnover markers.

By MCL Education • August 7, 2023

In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” Justin Kreuter, M.D., speaks with Laura Tafe, M.D., associate professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and president of the Association of Molecular Pathology, to discuss practicing art and medicine.

By MCL Education • August 4, 2023

This page includes updates posted to Mayo Clinic Labs during the month of July.

By Michael Hutchison • August 2, 2023

Identifying a precise genetic cause of hearing loss impacts clinical management. Nicole Boczek, Ph.D., and Melanie Meyer, M.S., CGC, explain how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' updated panel yields comprehensive results for optimal patient care.

By Samantha Rossi • August 1, 2023

In this episode of “Answers From the Lab,” host Bobbi Pritt, M.D., chair of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic, is joined by Vanda Lennon, M.D., Ph.D., founder of the Neuroimmunology Laboratory and now director of the Neuroimmunology Research Laboratory at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Pritt and Dr. Lennon discuss the research and testing innovations that have led to critical advancements in the field of autoimmune neurology over the last few decades.

By Suzanne Ferguson • July 27, 2023

In this test-specific episode of the "Answers From the Lab" podcast, Wei Shen, Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new breast cancer panel provides rapid results to guide critical decisions about treatment and screening.

By Barbara J. Toman • July 25, 2023