MCL Featured Stories

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In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” host Justin Kreuter, M.D., speaks with Alfredo Quinones-Hinjosa, M.D., a neurosurgeon and scientist at Mayo Clinic. From humble beginnings as a migrant worker, his story is one of resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge.

By MCL Education • February 16, 2024

PACE/State of FL
Presentation Recording Coming Soon
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a devastating event that occurs unexpectedly, often without any prior symptoms. This webinar will discuss how postmortem genetic testing may be used in conjunction with a traditional autopsy to assist with establishing cause and manner of death.

By MCL Education • February 14, 2024

A winter storm is occurring in the Northeast which may impact specimen transport. The winter storm is expected to spread snow, strong winds, and create possible blizzard conditions which could impact courier pickups and route delays. We are monitoring the situation and will implement contingency plans as needed to avoid any potential delays. Clients should expect to be contacted directly by the couriers should any routes be modified or canceled. 

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • February 13, 2024

Anne Tebo, Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new serum tests help overcome the challenges of diagnosing primary biliary cholangitis, or PBC. Test results can guide clinical care for patients with this life-threatening autoimmune liver disease.

By Barbara J. Toman • February 13, 2024

Prevented from providing testing services to its community members due to a non-compete agreement with a national laboratory, Kootenai Health laboratory leaders deepened their relationship with Mayo Clinic Laboratories, receiving tactical support and guidance to launch an in-house reference lab just days after the non-compete agreement expired.

By Robin Huiras-Carlson • February 12, 2024

Short, interactive case studies from Mayo Clinic physicians, scientists, and allied health staff.

By MCL Education • February 9, 2024

David Murray, M.D., Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' MASS-FIX Quantitation assay provides next-generation screening for M-proteins, which are associated with multiple myeloma and other diseases. The assay better quantitates the blood proteins, for improved patient care and simpler test ordering.

By Barbara J. Toman • February 6, 2024

Multiple doctors and multiple examinations could not figure out why Lauri Sieben had spent much of her life “never feeling quite right” physically. Fortunately for Lauri, that changed after her daughter Christy began working as a genetic counselor in Mayo Clinic’s Molecular Technologies Laboratory. After seeing similarities between the patient testing she was performing for the lab and the physical symptoms being experienced by her mom, Christy took a leading role in getting Lauri to undergo molecular and biochemical testing at Mayo Clinic. The results of that testing not only provided much-needed answers, but a promising path forward for Lauri.

By Cory Pedersen • February 5, 2024

Staff retention is a critical factor in achieving organizational success, providing continuity, stability, and preserving institutional knowledge within a company.

By MCL Education • February 5, 2024

In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” host Justin Kreuter, M.D., speaks with placement coordinator Jamie Herget to discuss recruitment initiatives within the laboratory profession.[...]

By MCL Education • February 2, 2024

This page includes updates posted to Mayo Clinic Labs during the month of January.

By Michael Hutchison • February 1, 2024

PACE/State of FL - This presentation will give learners an understanding of what problem-solving thinking is, as well as an overview of what DMAIC, A3, and PDSA problem-solving approaches are to support your quality and continuous improvement journey.

By MCL Education • January 31, 2024

Joshua Bornhorst, Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' unique assay identifies pregnant women at risk of developing preeclampsia with severe features. Test results can guide clinical management, to safeguard maternal and neonatal health.

By Barbara J. Toman • January 30, 2024