PACE / State of FL
In this month’s “Virtual Lecture” Mark Hyde shares what he has learned during his 28 years of workplace consulting experience and counseling with thousands of employees concerning work topics such as stress, fatigue, burnout, retention, and joy. Both personal and workplace resilience concepts and strategies will be highlighted to maintain a healthy sense of well-being and joy.

By MCL Education • April 19, 2023

PACE / State of FL
In this month’s “Virtual Lecture” Andrew Folpe, M.D., discusses applications of molecular pathology and the diagnosis of soft tissue neoplasms. This presentation is applicable for pathologists because so much of what is done in pathology and in sarcoma care is multidisciplinary making it important to understand what others are doing.

By MCL Education • March 22, 2023

PACE / State of FL
This Continual Improvement webinar will focus on a data driven and systematic approach to understand demand, identify idle time, and optimize work schedules. We will examine the different variations that exist when performing staffing to workload analysis. Case studies will be utilized to generate ideas.

By MCL Education • March 8, 2023

PACE / State of FL
In this month’s “Virtual Lecture” Justin Kreuter, M.D., discusses how coagulation works and how to make appropriate transfusion decisions.

By MCL Education • February 22, 2023

PACE / State of FL
Have you ever wondered how we came from bloodletting and leeches to present day phlebotomy? This presentation is going to walk you through the history and what has led us to some of the advancements in the field of phlebotomy including safety and regulations.

By MCL Education • February 15, 2023

In this month’s “Virtual Lecture” Eoin Flanagan, M.D., B.Ch., reviews how to diagnose autoimmune encephalitis, what to watch that may suggest a different diagnosis, discuss neural autoantibodies interpretation and putting test results into clinical context.

By MCL Education • January 18, 2023

In this month's "Hot Topic," Rajiv Pruthi, M.B.B.S., discusses heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), approach diagnosis, and the role of the functional serotonin release assay (SRA).

By MCL Education • August 1, 2022

In this month's "Hot Topic," Robin Patel, M.D., discusses how the use of multiplex tests may reduce the turnaround time for identifying the cause of bloodstream infections, and how this might impact antibiotic stewardship and patient outcomes.

By MCL Education • July 11, 2022

This “Specialty Testing” webinar will discuss the considerations physicians must weigh when evaluating suspected neuropathy patients with special emphasis put on small-fiber neuropathy and the most appropriate laboratory testing related to that phenotype.

By MCL Education • April 13, 2022

This “Specialty Testing” webinar will address the clinical presentations, evaluation (including diagnostic antibody testing), and treatment of autoimmune pediatric CNS disorders, including encephalitides and myelopathies.

By MCL Education • May 27, 2020

This "Phlebotomy webinar" will discuss ethical issues frequently faced by phlebotomists.

By MCL Education • December 18, 2019

This “Specialty Testing” webinar will describe the clinical, radiologic, and serologic characteristics of autoimmune myelopathies and their mimics.

By MCL Education • August 22, 2019

R. Ross Reichard, M.D., DLMP Vice Chair of Quality and Associate Chair of Practice, recently contributed to a College of American Pathologists (CAP) article in CAP Today. The article, "How the Laboratory Drives Patient Satisfaction," explores the myriad ways laboratories can monitor and improve the patient experience.

By Molly Dee • August 2, 2019