New insights into heart conditions. Deep experience in patient care.
When a heart condition impacts a patient, their care team needs to understand why.
In the search for answers, genetic testing is no longer a last resort — it is a key component in diagnosing and managing cardiovascular conditions. With a test menu honed through years of research, and clinical experience with the most complex cardiac cases, we can help you put your patients on the best path forward.
Expand your understanding
Genetic testing is an essential complement to your strategies for diagnosing and managing patients with cardiovascular conditions. Our test menu contains 24 disease-focused panels that represent the forefront of cardiovascular genetic testing.
Investigation that drives innovation
As clinical consensus guidelines have changed, we have remained on the forefront. Our laboratory and clinical experts are continuously engaged in research that has direct impact on our testing and clinical practice.
We support you, every step of the way
When you order a cardiovascular genetic test from Mayo Clinic Laboratories, you are partnering with a team of clinical and laboratory experts. Throughout the testing process, you are supported by an integrated team that understands the testing’s technical and clinical aspects and incorporates a genetic counseling perspective.
Laboratory genetic counselors are available to consult with providers, ensuring patients receive the right test based on their personal medical history.
Genetic testing is conducted by experts with experience in the relevant disease state, and results are assessed in the context of the patient information provided.
A clear report is generated for the ordering physician. Genetic counselors and laboratory experts are available to consult with providers to discuss results and the need for follow-up testing.
Clinically actionable results for your patients
Rooted in integrated research and practice experience, our comprehensive test menu of disease-focused panels provides the maximum depth of coverage, highest possible detection rates, and low false negative and false positive rates across all included genes. You can also build a customized gene panel to meet your patients’ specific needs. Learn more about what makes our testing different.
disease-specific panels
clinically relevant genes analyzed
published studies in the area of cardiovascular genetics
Why genetic testing
Patients with distinct cardiovascular conditions often present with similar symptoms. That’s why genetic testing is such an important guide in diagnosis — a fact that consensus clinical guidelines have changed to reflect.14-19 Genetic testing can provide key insights to guide patient care, for patients and their families.
The patient
Genetic testing can identify underlying heritable causes for heart conditions, enable diagnosis, and provide insights on prognosis, clinical management, and risk of recurrence. Depending on the specific condition identified, patients may need different care, such as surgical interventions and pharmacologic management.
Their family
When a patient is diagnosed with a cardiac condition that is thought to be inherited, other family members may need to be screened. Genetic testing can provide a diagnosis, help prevent future events, and, equally important, rule out a diagnosis, which will allow family members to move forward with normal activities.
Learn more about how to integrate genetic testing in your practice.
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