Hot Topic

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Julia Lehman, M.D., discusses a recent change to the direct immunofluorescence assay, specifically the addition of the IgG4 conjugate.

By MCL Education • August 2, 2021

This is a 6-part series describing the products and clinical tools of a laboratory quality improvement project called Region 4 Stork, or R4S.

By MCL Education • June 24, 2021

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Andrew McKeon, M.B., B.Ch., M.D., reviews the use of neurological phenotype-based evaluations, the move away from the paraneoplastic evaluation, and upcoming changes to test profiles.

By MCL Education • May 24, 2021

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Paul Jannetto, Ph.D., discusses the use of qualitative urine screening assays and quantitative confirmatory testing to determine compliance in pain management patients.

By MCL Education • May 3, 2021

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Paul Jannetto, Ph.D., discusses the high-resolution targeted stimulant and PCP screening test from Mayo Clinic Laboratories, which offers sensitivity and specificity for use in the monitoring and management of patients who are prescribed CNS stimulant medications.

By MCL Education • April 5, 2021

In this month’s Hot Topic, Robin Patel, M.D., discusses Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ new PCR assay for detection of Helicobacter pylori detection and determination of clarithromycin resistance directly from stool.

By MCL Education • March 22, 2021

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Julia Lehman, M.D., discusses serologic testing for Celiac Disease in patients with IgA deficiency.

By MCL Education • March 11, 2021

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Gessi Pino, a genetic counselor in the Biochemical Genetics Lab at Mayo Clinic, and Kimiyo Raymond, M.D., a clinical consultant in the laboratory and an expert in Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG), discuss glycosylation and its importance in human biology, highlight laboratory testing, and offer strategies to screen and diagnose CDGs.

By MCL Education • January 4, 2021

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” John Mills, Ph.D., explains the central role of tissue immunofluorescence in the identification of neural antibodies and discusses the benefits of an integrated laboratory approach to the development and validation of novel antibody biomarkers.

By MCL Education • December 14, 2020

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Paul Jannetto, Ph.D., discusses the high-resolution targeted opioid screening test from Mayo Clinic Laboratories, which offers sensitivity and specificity for use in the monitoring and management of patients who are prescribed opioid pain-relieving medication.

By MCL Education • July 13, 2020

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Brad Karon, M.D., Ph.D., will discuss recent information on the advantages and disadvantages of using butterfly needles for blood collection.

By MCL Education • February 17, 2020

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Sounak Gupta, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., discusses selecting tissues and other tissue considerations for molecular testing. He also reviews tissue metrics and requirements, which differ based on test platforms. It is important to keep in mind that the details of tissue metrics change over time as they continue to evolve with technology.

By MCL Education • February 3, 2020

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Elitza Theel, Ph.D., talks about Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ serologic and molecular testing for the identification of infection with dengue virus. Dengue virus poses a significant public health threat worldwide. Rapid and accurate identification of the infection enables directed monitoring of patients who may be at increased risk of developing hemorrhagic fever of dengue shock syndrome.

By MCL Education • January 6, 2020