
Francesca Scala, a student in Mayo Clinic’s Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) class of 2018, talks about the importance of team bonding in the MLS program.

By Francesca Scala • September 13, 2017

As the saying often goes, “It’s the small things that matter the most.” Jeremy Zacher, Education Specialist in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, discusses "microlearning" as a way of delivering learning content in bite-sized snippets that are easily accessed when the learner needs it.

By Jeremy Zacher • September 7, 2017

Justin Kreuter, M.D., Clinical Pathologist and Medical Director of the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center in Rochester, Minnesota, and Theresa Malin, an Education Specialist in Transfusion Medicine at Mayo Clinic, have launched "Transfusion Toons" as an innovative approach to teaching and learning transfusion medicine. View this post to see the new toon.

By Theresa Malin • September 1, 2017

Elizabeth Gamache, a student in Mayo Clinic’s Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) class of 2018, explains what a major in MLS really means.

By Elizabeth Gamache • August 30, 2017

Justin Kreuter, M.D., discusses training in clinical chemistry, highlighting his own experiences and challenges and offering valuable resources for future pathology residents.

By Justin Kreuter • August 24, 2017

Justin Kreuter, M.D., Clinical Pathologist and Medical Director of the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center in Rochester, Minnesota, and Theresa Malin, an Education Specialist in Transfusion Medicine at Mayo Clinic, have launched "Transfusion Toons" as an innovative approach to teaching and learning transfusion medicine. View this post to see the new toon.

By Theresa Malin • August 18, 2017

Ultimately, a pathologist has to commit to a diagnosis. Many trainees have difficulty committing to a diagnosis for fear of being wrong. Gary Keeney, M.D., Consultant in Division of Anatomic Pathology at Mayo Clinic, provides a unique teaching approach with his cases, detailing the ancillary studies and discussing the differential diagnosis of the cases. View the first case.

By Gary Keeney, M.D. • August 10, 2017

Justin Kreuter, M.D., Clinical Pathologist and Medical Director of the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center in Rochester, Minnesota, and Theresa Malin, an Education Specialist in Transfusion Medicine at Mayo Clinic, have launched "Transfusion Toons" as an innovative approach to teaching and learning transfusion medicine. View this post to see the new toon.

By Theresa Malin • August 4, 2017

Mike Baisch, Principal Systems Engineer at Mayo Clinic, demonstrates how daily indirect effort tasks contribute to staffing plans and needs in the staffing-to-workload methodology.

By Mike Baisch • August 3, 2017

Justin Kreuter, M.D., Clinical Pathologist and Medical Director of the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center in Rochester, Minnesota, and Theresa Malin, an Education Specialist in Transfusion Medicine at Mayo Clinic, have launched "Transfusion Toons" as an innovative approach to teaching and learning transfusion medicine. View this post to see the new toon.

By Theresa Malin • July 21, 2017

When people look at their agendas for a meeting or conference and see “team building” listed as one of the events, many let out a sigh or roll their eyes. Nicole Folken, Education Specialist at Mayo Medical Laboratories, highlights how team building contributes toward employee motivation and building trust.

By Nicole Folken • July 20, 2017

Ali Addesso, a student in Mayo Clinic’s Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) class of 2017, says goodbye to the MLS Program with a heartfelt "thank you" to her peers and teachers.

By Ali Addesso • July 12, 2017

Justin Kreuter, M.D., Clinical Pathologist and Medical Director of the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center in Rochester, Minnesota, and Theresa Malin, an Education Specialist in Transfusion Medicine at Mayo Clinic, have launched "Transfusion Toons" as an innovative approach to teaching and learning transfusion medicine. View this post to see a toon about blood platelets.

By Theresa Malin • July 7, 2017