
An improved pediatric patient journey

Our unique tests, methodologies, and pediatric reference ranges provide accurate and fast results for complex pediatric gastroenterology conditions. Whether screening patients or monitoring therapeutic management, we cover the full spectrum of gastroenterology testing. We offer a robust menu of genetic tests to identify inherited disorders and provide insights about genetic variations associated with disease presence. Plus, our world-renowned Mayo Clinic gastroenterologists and genetic counselors can help you order tests and consult on the results.

Test menu

Methodologies that make a big difference

We believe in methodologies that go far beyond the standard reference lab approach to pediatric testing. This includes sophisticated reflex testing that helps you determine if there's a clinical need for additional testing — while helping to reduce any unnecessary testing. Our methodologies also include rigorous spot checks to ensure accuracy and greater test sensitivity.

Minimize disparities

Unique to our lab, we offer the innovative TPNUQ test for thiopurine management. This test provides awareness of a patient's response to medications through genetic testing. We give insight to care teams by using census data and test analytics to assess potential risks in their patient population, helping to minimize disparities and improve pediatric diagnostic care.

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