Autoimmune Neurology

Recognized as a world leader in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune neurologic disorders and demyelinating disease, Mayo Clinic mounts unmatched resources for uncovering novel syndromes, developing new diagnostic biomarkers and unique laboratory tests.

Autoimmune neurology is a rapidly evolving subspecialty driven by the discovery that the immune system can target virtually any structure within the central and peripheral nervous systems. These conditions manifest as disorders previously thought to be independent and unrelated.

For the spectrum of autoimmune neurological disorders, where an early and accurate diagnosis is paramount, our testing approaches to effectively diagnose and guide treatment for these patients is unparalleled.

Test Menu




Movement disorders

Myasthenia gravis & Lambert Eaton


Necrotizing myopathy



Vision Loss


Antibody matrix

Contact Us

Contact your local Mayo Clinic Laboratories liaison for more information on how our testing can augment your practice and elevate your patient outcomes.