In this Mayo Clinic Radio "Health Minute," Bobbi Pritt, M.D., Director of the Clinical Parasitology Lab and Co-Director of Vector-Borne Diseases Lab Services at Mayo Clinic, explains how the lone star tick's bite can cause an allergic reaction to meat.
Since ancient times, physicians have analyzed patient specimens to diagnose illness. Now, our samples can do far more than diagnose. They can help researchers find treatments for the unmet needs of patients.
This week’s Research Roundup highlights isolated hepatic non-obstructive sinusoidal dilatation, a 20-year single center experience.
The American Association for Clinical Chemistry has recently launched an online continuing education program, “Practical Approaches to Quality Control in the Clinical Laboratory.” Nikola Baumann, Ph.D., Director of the Central Clinical Laboratory and Central Processing Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, presents one of the courses, “Responses to Out-of-Control Situations."
Graduation for the Histology Technician Program, part of the Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences, was held on Friday, May 18, in Leighton Auditorium on the Rochester, Minnesota, campus.
On Friday, May 18, the Mayo Clinic Division of Anatomic Pathology hosted its eighth annual Art in Pathology event. This year, there were 41 masterpieces submitted. This is certainly a case of “a picture is worth a thousand words.”
James Hernandez, M.D., Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, and Medical Director and Chair of the Division of Laboratory Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Thomas Grys, Ph.D., Consultant in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, and Kenneth Poole, Jr. M.D., Consultant in Community Internal Medicine, co-authored an article on mentoring millennials for future leadership.
It's time to start preparing for what could be a bumper crop of ticks across the U.S. As the last of the winter's snow melts, ticks start coming up from under the grass looking for a blood meal. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Bobbi Pritt, a Mayo Clinic parasitic diseases expert, explains an easy trick to remember the best ways to protect yourself from tick bites.
This week’s Research Roundup highlights the clinical and pathology findings associated consistently with larger glomerular volume.
The Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences Medical Laboratory Science Program celebrated the 2018 graduating class during a ceremony on May 24. This year, there are 24 graduates.
Mayo Clinic's own Andrew Yori has an impressive side hustle as a competitor on "American Ninja Warrior." This year marks the third time he's earned a shot at running the show's intimidating obstacle course.
In this sketchnote, Sharonne Hayes, M.D., discusses the drivers behind equity and inclusion in health care and why we must act.
In April 2018, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced two new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.