
In April 2018, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced two new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

By Alyssa Frank • May 24, 2018

In March 2018, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced fifteen new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

By Alyssa Frank • April 5, 2018

In February 2018, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced two new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

By Alyssa Frank • March 15, 2018

Multiple myeloma is the second most common blood cancer, but most people haven’t heard of it until they or someone they know is diagnosed with the disease. March is Myeloma Action Month—a time to focus attention on the fight against multiple myeloma.

By Barbara J. Toman • March 6, 2018

In January 2018, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced five new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

By Alyssa Frank • February 8, 2018

With more than 70,000 uses worldwide and policy endorsements for its use (JAMA Article), the Mayo Clinic Statin Choice Decision-Aid tool is helping patients and their clinicians have meaningful conversations about whether or not to use statins to reduce cardiovascular risk.

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • January 25, 2018

In December 2017, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced seven new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

By Alyssa Frank • January 11, 2018

Discovery's Edge, Mayo Clinic's research magazine, recently highlighted how new tests are developed in Mayo Clinic’s Neuroimmunology Laboratory.

By Kelley Luedke • January 1, 2018

In October 2017, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced eight new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

By Alyssa Frank • November 9, 2017

Ann Moyer, M.D., Ph.D., discusses an additional gene, NUDT15, which is important in the prediction of thiopurine-related toxicity This gene has been added to our TPMT genotyping assay available through Mayo Medical Laboratories.

By Mayo Clinic Laboratories • October 25, 2017

In September 2017, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced five new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

By Alyssa Frank • October 12, 2017

Mayo Clinic and National Decision Support Company unveil CareSelect Lab™ to provide real-time medical guidance when ordering clinical lab tests. The tool assists health care providers with appropriate ordering of lab testing, improving patient care and reducing wasteful spending.

By Gina Chiri-Osmond • September 19, 2017

In August 2017, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced a new test along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

By Alyssa Frank • September 14, 2017