
Delivering results through continuous innovation

From controlled substance monitoring to pharmacogenomics (PGx), therapeutics testing provides meaningful answers across a broad range of areas. BioPharma Diagnostics gives collaborators access to Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ robust therapeutics portfolio, which includes comprehensive controlled substance monitoring and addiction rehabilitation profiles as well as leading-edge alcohol biomarker testing. Developed through evidence-driven clinical innovation and designed to deliver clarity on drug and alcohol use, our testing delivers results that advance understanding and improve outcomes.

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Therapeutics testing overview

We have access to hundreds of assays to identify and monitor both prescribed and illicit drug use. Our cutting-edge evaluations use advanced and emerging technologies, including liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GS/MS), to deliver accurate, actionable results that clarify substance use for improved outcomes.

When you partner with Mayo Clinic Laboratories, you extend your network to include some of the world’s leading experts. Mayo Clinic clinicians, laboratorians, and genetic counselors are available to discuss testing options, interpret results, or help with case review and coordination.

Comprehensive disease testing

A collaboration with BioPharma Diagnostics includes access to the therapeutics testing capabilities of Mayo Clinic Laboratories, including:

  • Addiction rehabilitation
  • Alcohol biomarker testing
  • Clinical and forensic technology
  • Confirmatory testing
  • Controlled substance monitoring
  • Drug class testing
  • Precision therapeutics
  • Result interpretation
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