
Mayo Clinic’s Advanced Diagnostics Laboratory (ADL) is a visionary space designed to foster innovation. The ADL has a direct impact on patient lives, bringing promising tests and services to patients at Mayo and around the world.

By Chris Bahnsen • July 12, 2021

Shawn Mitchell brings a wealth of laboratory expertise to his role as a senior product manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories, where he puts his knowledge to work promoting Mayo’s innovative infectious disease testing.

By Tracy Will • July 7, 2021

This week’s research roundup features a study on how ciliopathy protein HYLS1 coordinates the biogenesis and signaling of primary cilia by activating the ciliary lipid kinase PIPKIγ.

By Samantha Rossi • July 6, 2021

This week’s research roundup features a study on MAP3K7-IKK inflammatory signaling modulates AR protein degradation and prostate cancer progression.

By Samantha Rossi • June 29, 2021

This week’s research roundup features a study on acute treatments for episodic migraine in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

By Samantha Rossi • June 22, 2021

Top stories include: COVID-19 travel tips for people with weakened immune systems, Mayo clinic Q&A on examining reports of heart inflammation in young people after second COVID-19 vaccine, and what Mayo Clinic has to offer with COVID-19 walk in vaccine clinics in Minnesota.

By Samantha Rossi • June 21, 2021

Delta Health leveraged their relationship with Mayo Clinic Laboratories to support patient in rural Colorado during the COVID-19 pandemic. Delta Health and Mayo Clinic Laboratories have collaborated for over 17 years to perform complex and esoteric testing.

By Hannah Crawford • June 21, 2021

In her role as a laboratory technologist resource coordinator, Amy Nelson has to be prepared to handle whatever questions, concerns or issues come her way from Mayo Clinic Laboratories' clients. That ability to be ready for anything has served her well as her work has shifted and changed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Tracy Will • June 16, 2021

For patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) — the most common leukemia in adults — advanced testing can not only provide valuable information about their disease state, but peace of mind in the face of a progressive, incurable illness. Oftentimes, however, complex molecular and genetic tests to identify biomarker cues about disease trajectory and treatment intolerance are not performed, putting patients at risk for unmet expectations and unsatisfactory outcomes.

By Robin Huiras-Carlson • June 14, 2021

The genetic variability of glioma, and its more advanced relative glioblastoma, has made genetic testing to identify biomarkers associated with prognosis and treatment effectivity an integral component of care plan development. However, the acceleration of brain tumor research and discovery translates into an ever-changing testing environment.

By Robin Huiras-Carlson • June 9, 2021

Top highlights include: Overcoming pandemic procrastination and how senolytics reduce COVID-19 symptoms in preclinical studies.

By Samantha Rossi • June 7, 2021

Last year, when Brian Netzel was redeployed from Mayo Clinic's Biochemical Genetics Lab to a lab testing for COVID-19, he put his skills to work wherever they were needed — alongside hundreds of other Mayo staff doing the same as they battled the pandemic together.

By Tracy Will • June 2, 2021

A collaborative study between Mayo Clinic and the University of Illinois debunked the previous consensus about how kidney stones grow.

By Chris Bahnsen • June 1, 2021