Working together, Mayo Clinic laboratory medicine specialists and clinicians helped Elyn Simmons get her life back — and welcome two new lives to the world.
As a clinical laboratory technologist, Daniel Kronemann enjoys going beyond his day-to-day work as he explores new ways to enhance processes and systems in Bacteriology.
Featured abstract: Substance use screening in transplant populations.
Top highlights include: Monoclonal and oligoclonal anti-Platelet Factor 4 antibodies mediate VITT.
In her role as a proposal writer, Lisa Wortman Raring helps show clients everything Mayo Clinic Laboratories has to offer, making it clear how the organization can best meet their needs and the needs of their patients.
Top highlights include: Rapid exclusion of acute myocardial injury and infarction with a high sensitivity cardiac troponin T in the emergency department.
As Mayo Clinic’s Anatomic Pathology moves from traditional glass slides to digital images, the advance in technology is achieving clear benefits in collaboration, learning, and patient care.
Top highlights include: Genome-wide association study reveals novel genetic loci: a new polygenic risk score for mitral valve prolapse.
A pioneering researcher, Dr. Vanda Lennon has spent five decades delving into questions of neuroimmunology. Today, she continues that work as director of the Neuroimmunology Research Laboratory in Mayo Clinic’s Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology.
Featured abstract: An overview of the clinical presentation, pathology, and the current therapeutic approach of the main representative disorders in the spectrum of glomerulonephritis.
For a young child diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, an unexpected turn of events led by results of a Mayo Clinic Laboratories test freed him and his family from the bonds of frequent medical visits and expensive treatment, and opened the door to a life unencumbered by illness.
Top highlights include: Arrhythmia variant associations and reclassifications in the eMERGE-III sequencing study.
Top highlights include: Advances in neuroimaging for brain charts for the human lifespan.