Our Phlebotomy 2017: Highlighting Guidelines, Generations, and Good Practices conference was a success. Attendees had the opportunity to listen to some fantastic speakers, take part in hands-on sessions, and learn tips and techniques to handle a variety of patients.
Dennis Ernst, MT(ASCP), Director of the Center for Phlebotomy Education, was this year's keynote speaker. We had a chance to catch up with him after his speech for a quick Facebook Live interview. View it here.
Attendees also had the option to attend several breakout sessions this year, which included:
Solutions to Reduce Pediatric Phlebotomy Pain and Improve the Overall Health Care Experience
Demonstrating the Effect of Pre-Analytical Errors
Safely Managing Violent Patient Behavior
Helping the Pediatric Patient: Preparation, Comfort Holds, and Magic
Improving the Patient Experience by Creating a Culture of Professionalism
From Pediatrics to Geriatrics
View the photos below for a visual recap of the conference:
Dennis Ernst presented what’s new in the world of phlebotomy, legal updates, and how to interactively predict the impact of pre-analytical errors.Dennis Ernst.Darci Block, Ph.D.Nicole Kang.Phlebotomist role playing during a session.Phlebotomist role playing.Brad Karon, M.D., Ph.D.Ann McKay.Joe Swicklik, R.T.(R)(CT)Katy Bos, ARPN, CNS, M.S.
Kelley Luedke
Kelley Luedke is a Marketing Channel Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She is the principle editor and writer of Insights and leads social media and direct marketing strategy. Kelley has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2013. Outside of work, you can find Kelley running, traveling, playing with her kitty, and exploring new foods.