Brooke Katzman, Ph.D., Discusses the Effects of Biotin on Lab Tests in “AACC Labora-Stories”

Brooke Katzman, Ph.D., Co-Director of the Hospital Clinical Lab and Point-of-Care Testing at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is featured in the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) "Labora-Stories" video campaign about the effects of biotin on laboratory tests.

Excess biotin in the blood from supplements can cause some, but not all, laboratory test results to either be falsely increased or falsely decreased, causing health care practitioners to misdiagnose and mistreat their patients.

Learn how a patient almost had a costly and unnecessary procedure due to test results impacted by biotin interference.

This patient story video is a reenactment.

About Dr. Katzman

Dr. Katzman has expertise in clinical chemistry, point-of-care testing, and laboratory management. Her academic interests involve general clinical chemistry, including outcomes research with an emphasis on laboratory test utilization, quality assurance within the clinical laboratory, process improvements, and investigations regarding immunoassay interference from biotin.

About "AACC Labora-Stories"

"Laborastories" are stories from the laboratory. Every day, laboratory experts make critical decisions about cancer treatment; manage chronic conditions like diabetes; and screen for high cholesterol levels, heart disease, and other disorders. Without advanced, high-quality lab medicine, patients might receive the wrong diagnosis, inappropriate treatment, or no treatment at all if the disease isn’t accurately detected and diagnosed. Trusted testing is essential to the high quality of care and quality of life for all patients.

Kelley Luedke

Kelley Luedke is a Marketing Channel Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. She is the principle editor and writer of Insights and leads social media and direct marketing strategy. Kelley has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2013. Outside of work, you can find Kelley running, traveling, playing with her kitty, and exploring new foods.